Flesh Wounds in Ithaca

Well, after all, he is squandering his pop-star prime.

But is at as depressing as Brett Ratner saying:
"I used to date Olivia Munn, I'll be honest with
everyone here. But when she was 'Lisa.' She wasn't Asian back then. She was
hanging out on my set of After the Sunset, I banged her a few times, but I
forgot her.”
Of course not, but that sentence is absolutely terrible.

So what we're all saying here is:
$59.99 OnDemand screening of "Tower Heist" > Tebow

The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford: Based on the Novel Push by Sapphire

This. The first 15 minutes of that movie were good, the rest of it was awful. Although, the scene where McConaughey tells Stiller "Well, at least you get to choose yours" and then looks at the framed picture of his shitty son is great (and probably comes in around the 17 minute mark).

Tower Heist: Based on the Novel Push by Sapphire

The milk's gone bad!


Where are the cameras?

I die every time Kramer just chops that kid right on the top of the head, yells something like "Hoy-oh" and the kid just collapses.

And then, right after the All-Star Break, we, we just swept
the Orioles. Four games. In Baltimore.

“The truth must be heard! That's all there was. And yet, it
speaks volumes. A low rumple. A metallic 'squink.' A 'glonk.' Someone crying
out, ‘Dear God!’”

I believe it was, "What's the deal with politics? I don't get it!" 
I love that cold-open and the way it closes is perfect, with Jerry putting the glass on the coaster sighing, "Oh, I don't believe this," it's too funny.

Heineken? Fuck that foreign shit! Pabst Blue Ribbon is what you'll drink tonight!

Feel's off kilter, reclines strange too.

Sorry, I know that this is late, but I just watched the episode last night, but anyway.
One of the major complaints that I have always had with the
show has been the elaborate killrooms that Dexter constructs in isolated, but
still public, places. Granted, there hasn’t really been a lot of that this
season, aside from

Two months ago, I saw a provocative movie on cable TV. It
was called The Net, with that girl from the bus. I did a little reading, and I
realized, it wasn't that farfetched.

Before I ever watched Dexter, I started with seasons 1-3 in the summer of 2009 in order to get up to date to watch season four in real time, I was really hesitant to give the series a shot because of the entire CBS connection. I automatically associate CBS with old people and shitty sitcoms and just thought that

True, he is a dull wimp, but I do not find him creepy in the least bit, which, again, is more a fault of the actor because Colin Hanks is Christ awful.

Holy hell, I hope that's not the case! What a cop-out.