Flesh Wounds in Ithaca

That's the biggest issue that I have with the show too. The plot is severely stalled and the fact that they still haven't told us what Jenner said to Rick is getting to be "The Killing"-esq in terms of its self-satisfied slyness, which in reality is just goofy and obnoxious. Tie up the Sophia thread, get on the road,

Every single guy in that add is begging to be punched in the face.

Was your dad Ralph Cifaretto?

That wasn't a serious post, it's a Seinfeld quote.

Oh, I'll take a vet over an M.D. any day. They gotta be able to cure a  lizard, a chicken, a pig, a frog all on the same day.

Agreed. I found this episode, again, to be rather dull and
boring. I want to see them on the road, heading to that fort, not toiling in
the monotony of the injured and lost-children subplots (which, there was no way the writers were going to let
Carl die, I don’t think that they have the balls to do something that

"How many times did we actually see Jo in the first five seasons?"
Why would we have seen her anyway? Wasn't Dunder-Mifflin sold to Sabre in the sixth season?

Really? I thought Creed's costume was funny, but again, it seems that the writers are purposely going out of their way to make Kevin one of the stupidest people on the planet and at this point it's just obnoxious. The scene where he questioned why a museum would have mummies in it was beyond idiotic, groan inducing

I can only hope (but I doubt that it would ever happen). They are two of the dullest and blandest characters on TV, I have no interest in anything they do whatsoever.

I was under the impression that he was honkin' on bobo again.

I feel the same way about Craig Robinson, I've never thought that he was funny and cannot understand why everybody seems to love him so much. That being said, this is sad news and I wish Patrice the best.

Isn't Adrian Zmed the poor man's Adrian Zmed?

I don’t go out of my way to watch this show, but from the
eight or ten episodes that I have seen, I have to say that it is pretty decent.
There isn’t anything groundbreaking or Earth-shatteringly funny, but I have had
a couple of good laughs every time I’ve watched it.

@avclub-6eff75e7ea1e4eaecc24df1ca043de61:disqus @avclub-977cf54e52109b5b2795406737cf36d4:disqus Seriously, Colin Hanks is such a terrible actor that he's become insanely distracting every time he's on the screen. His wide, doe eyes and curious furrowed brow look is just horriffic and, so far, seems to be all that he