
-I wouldn’t invite Damon into my house either.
-Two Caroline mentions but no sighting? Come on show, if you’re going to have a meandering plot and a lame villain at least play to your strengths and don’t bench your star player.
-That’s a lot of drama just to keep Tyler in place. Guess they don’t know him that well. I

Caroline's type is pretty much everyone's type.

-Damon and Elena are gross. At this point their relationship is so exhausting and played out that I wonder why I ever rooted for it in the first place.
-Why did the show have to remind us that this is supposed to be the reality? You know, where there would have been exactly one home visit to Chateau Salvatore before

You're probably right. Caroline does have a track record with cocky assholes. I just don't know if they'll pair her with such an amoral guy fresh off the Klaus thing.

-At least Elena is able to steadfastly hold people responsible in her own mind. In all honesty though I’m surprised we didn’t see tumbleweeds blow through her flashback scenes.
-“Jeremy bought a bunch of new XBOX games.” Oh, and then I tried to kidnap and murder him. You know, the usual. Lets all agree that Jeremy is

It was that last scene. That last scene where they regurgitated the epic speech. I adored the movie up until then, but that scene made me cringe with its pandering.

I've been actively ignoring the idiocy that is Jeremy's (nonexistent) storyline this season. Isn't he still a minor and therefore in need of someone to be responsible for him other than his nineteen year old girlfriend? Didn't he get expelled from high school early in this season? Is Elena simply accepting that? Hell

I feel like they try to butch him up by having him sport all that flesh colored facial hair. Except it's about as effective as putting a mustache on a kitten.

Oh no, that's definitely happening.

Can I gush over them for a second? The two Queens? Because despite this reviewer's opinion they were amazing in their mutual bitchiness and scheming. I hope you were taking notes, Mary.

Really? I was overwhelmed by the originality. She's wild! She's partying! She loves Damon! He's conflicted about it! I have never seen any of this before!

But really

Come on now, Elena holding anyone responsible for the awful things they do? What show do you think we're watching (RIP Fringe)? Also since when does Damon need an excuse to go on a brutal murder rampage?

He should still be in better shape than Caroline though. Her only diploma is from Mystic Falls High School. She shouldn't even know how to read.

-“We’re the worst friends ever.” Agreed. They can rationalize it all they want but they ARE terrible friends. As Elena’s lifelong besties, brother, and the two men that alternate being in love with her it probably shouldn’t have taken them WEEKS to recognize that something was a little off with her behavior.

How is it that Haley, whose every mannerism I loathed on TVD, is now my favorite character? Oh right, it's because every other character has been made insufferable by constantly deferring to and putting up with Klaus.

-Ugh Fitz is such a selfish child. Here’s a suggestion if you want to keep being president, how about you stop day drinking, throwing expensive bar wear, and especially stop sassing the people who spend their days trying to make you look good?
-Get it Abby. Stop letting Leo make you sweat. And, just a suggestion,

-“Calmer heads will prevail.” Oh Enzo, you spent years together in that basement and you still don’t know Damon at all. But plus one for calling The Travelers “singing witches.”
-I love Caroline and Stefan. LOVE. Please let them remain as they are forever. Please let them always be a platonic duo attempting to manage

I have never been a Mickey fan but this episode may have made a believer out of me. His interaction with Kevin was hilarious and everything with Ian was spot on as well. I felt what I think the writers intended me to feel about the couple for probably the first time ever.

-I only bought that dirty basement hook up because of Dylan O’Brien’s acting skills. Dude could probably sell me on anything at this point,which is good because otherwise I’d remember that those two had only officially met like twelve hours prior and that seconds before they started making out she’d reminded him there