
What's this all about @GrandmasterFlash

Me and your grandpa are so proud of you! We're going to print this and hang it on the fridge once you visit and show us how to work the printer!

Seany! Stop picking on the poor boys for liking DAWES! Don't make me tell your mother!

Seany! I won't tell your mother, but put a dollar in the swear jar.

I remember my Seany was such a big fan of the turtles! He was such an adorable child, eating pizza with his blue bandanna on singing turtle power while dancing in front of the senior citizen home!

I'm so proud of my Seany's pictures! I have multiple hanging on my fridge!

I sent you a birthday card in the mail six weeks ago Seany, but I haven't received a thank you note. It's okay, the mail man probably got it mixed up again.