Intermittent Hairdresser

Oh, that does look good. Phoenix always surprises me with how many good restaurants it has.

He's seriously the friendliest dog too. He follows me around the house all the time.

Haha yes, that's awesome.

Eh, probably not.

If people do that for all my comments, I'll be super happy.

I'm clicking between these in different tabs and it's hilarious.

Can I have #9? I don't know why I want it, I just do.


I got to Phoenix. It was 120 degrees. It sucked. I did go to Pizzeria Bianco, and it was amazing.

Shit, I'm going to have to step up my game if he's going to do this.

Lots of water/not going outside.

CPK makes a damn good one. Here's to hoping that it expands to where you are.

It was seriously some of the best pizza I've ever had. The black olives were unreal, and it had great salami, but the sauce and cheese made me wish I had gotten just a margherita pizza because of how great they were.


Here's a review of Pan's Labyrinth. Also, I'm also at 3,000 views, so thanks! I'm aiming for 10,000 by the end of the year.

I get irrationally excited when I see commercials for Pacific Rim.

My new goal in life is to get all the top comments on Mad Men articles/reviews. And if I don't, it'll be NOT GREAT, BOB!

I follow a bunch of commenters from the AV Club on Twitter but I use my real name. They must be really weirded out when I reply to them.

Jolín, ni sé de que estáis hablando.