Intermittent Hairdresser

Well they made a fart a serious answer to a psychological analysis.

It makes me nervous everytime PSH and Joaquin are together in a scene.

Amy Adams needs to be in more things.

The score is fantastic. That was one of the best opening scenes I've seen in a while.


Joaquin should not make his own liquor.

I just started watching The Master. I'm already a little unnerved.

And that name's off the list. Probably for the best haha.

Possible names for my future children

I definitely warmed up a lot more to The Dark Knight Rises after watching it again. It's a damn good film, and Bane was a fantastic villain.

The Paula Deen articles really brought out the perverted best of the AV Club. I was laughing way hard at the sick, sick comments there.

Do you people have a list of my all-time favorite Dylan songs?

YES YES this is going in no questions asked.

My digestive tract is already telling me how it feels about this decision :(


The Simpsons, maybe?

Just remember, even if eating a whole large pizza sounds like a good idea, it is never a good idea.

What's Copenhagen like? My ancestry is primarily Danish, so I've always been interested in going there.

Can't I get my proclivities out of the way without fear of death?

@Scrawler2:disqus I can see why people like Emma Stone so much, but for me  she's in the "really pretty and seems really nice, but eh" category.