Knox the Fox

Are you AV Club guys pulling a joke on us today, or do you all just authentically love the word "curdled?"

Once you go Vatican, you don't go back again.

It's an uplifiting story of a young midwestern boy who manages to overcome a crippling illness and reunite his small town just in time for the big rodeo sequence. That illness? Hobo With A Shotgun-itis.

Right. I got fire by The Who.

Rough Boys! ROUGH BOYS!!

You're telling me that a Pilgrim day-laborer IS A GODDAMNED FEDERALI?!!


JackyPaperJohnson, you sly dog. I break into dance at your insinuations…

In Sandler's defense, his cover of "Werewolves of London" on the Warren Zevon tribute album was actually pretty damned tolerable. I doubt that means anything, I just wanted to throw it out there.

Daisy Owl is real good. Real good. Also, you should try Sapceman. Funny and misspelled.

The long national nightmare is over.

Up yours Ebert.
I want 3D. I want Smell-o-vision. I want chairs that move. If a movie doesn't involve at least 4 of my senses, I for one feel like I've gotten the Joan Collins special. In a bad way.

Usually you can, but a moose ate the wires. AM I RIGHT?! OR MAYBE SOMEONE SPILLED MAPLE SYRUP ON THE CONTROLS WHILE DRINKING A LABATTS WITH A HOCKEY PLAYING MOUNTIE! Or maybe it's just international copyright restrictions. Beats me.

Not to quibble or anything…
But Kyu Sakimoto's "Sukiyaki" (1963) beat out Yvonne Elliman by about 15 years in the first-person-of-Asian-ancestry-to-have-a-number-one-hit race. Also Yvonne Elliman is terrible.

Dr. Fink and the Mystery Band doing a half-assed collection of Beatles medleys. It was an impulse item at the K-Mart, perched beguilingly at the check-out. It's colorful cover evoking the Beatles experience, splashy and colorful yet somehow crassly commercial. And I listened the hell out of that crappy, crappy

Boogaloo is all well and good but how could it not be "Libera-Che 2: Havana Nights?"

I smell buddy film!
Heavily-sequined Che Guevara and Liberace team up to set the streets of Havana on fire and ring sweet freedom from the belltowers…through the power of being fabulous!! Over/under on the Oscars: 8.

A Boy Named Charlie Brown
One of the most underrated animated films, one of those films that any serious animation buff should see. Wonderfully moody, some surprisingly daring and interesting visuals (considering the time and the source), and a story that doesn't let its characters get off easy or win just for the

Jersey Girl 2: The Search for Curly's Electric Boogaloo Clone War? 2Jersey 2Girl? Actually that one sounds kinda like porno.

I never watched the show, but it's still somehow inextricably pounded into my head. There was a commercial that NBC ran before the series came out (I think) that was actually hyping a show starring Jenny McCarthy (one of the lyrics for the McCarthy show being "cause life in Utica reall bites!" Edgy stuff.). As a