
Once again, proving that Lily is a horrible, horrible, horrible human being and horrendous bitch

Once again, proving that Lily is a horrible, horrible, horrible human being and horrendous bitch

Thank the lord. The fact that you just said that gives me a dash of hope that I won't feel like murdering the writers for the show tonight. Donna is a bit too generous nowadays…

Thank the lord. The fact that you just said that gives me a dash of hope that I won't feel like murdering the writers for the show tonight. Donna is a bit too generous nowadays…

in reply to tossin:

Yeah, I think I need to restate my thesis about Carrie I posted above as well, I think you nailed it. It's not so much that she's irrational, it's just that she's irrational yet always ending up correct. Again, it's playing into this 'Carrie is a hero' factor that I'm not quite sure if I'm going to enjoy.

100% agree with everything said above. These characters are just not intelligent people anymore. And that is ruining most everything for me. It's completely taking me out of the element when I hear the absolute most cliched apologies from Brody, or the most obvious attempt at playing Brody with Carrie. And it's not

I'm unsure if you were responding to me, but regardless:
Believe me, I'm well aware of the anti-climaxes and red herrings. I'm usually the first to point out that Soprano's is more of a dark comedy with incredible punchlines than it is a drama (my usual first example I go to is Uncle Junior and the pie, I just

I'm unsure if you were responding to me, but regardless:
Believe me, I'm well aware of the anti-climaxes and red herrings. I'm usually the first to point out that Soprano's is more of a dark comedy with incredible punchlines than it is a drama (my usual first example I go to is Uncle Junior and the pie, I just

Pretty dynamite episode. Was firing on all cylinders. I think A- is a perfect grade for it. Very sharp, great writing. And good lord Adam Scott is taking over this show. That extended gag at the end was pretty generous screen time a scene featuring only one of the characters, and he just killed it.

Pretty dynamite episode. Was firing on all cylinders. I think A- is a perfect grade for it. Very sharp, great writing. And good lord Adam Scott is taking over this show. That extended gag at the end was pretty generous screen time a scene featuring only one of the characters, and he just killed it.

Definitely one of the RDD's….

Definitely one of the RDD's….

Without going too much into the ending because I figure we'll be doing that in a couple more weeks when Todd gets there:

Without going too much into the ending because I figure we'll be doing that in a couple more weeks when Todd gets there:

Re: "The chief criticism of the episode is that Tony would never have gotten involved this deeply in gambling. "

Re: "The chief criticism of the episode is that Tony would never have gotten involved this deeply in gambling. "

A-? Warning: Klosterman level of pretentiousness about mundane things coming?

A-? Warning: Klosterman level of pretentiousness about mundane things coming?

So, how many times have we seen this episode already? Five times, six?