
'Brian Blessed bellowing away like a demented thing'

i heard a rumour that she and, i assume, her hair are going to be in Misfits.

it also kinda rips-off the Angel finale.

You could start with the new characters, but there's not a clean transfer (really the final season is the only one that's solely theirs and doesn't have a hangover from the previous trio).

up and down. it all got a bit bogged-down and overly serious and melodramatic in the middle but, as PDN states, the last couple of seasons were pretty entertaining with Michael Socha, Damian Moloney and Kate Bracken bouncing off each other nicely and, while the initial trio were great, their seasons gradually lost the

agreed, the ending that was broadcast is the true ending. if you want it to be happy, it is. if you want to believe it's all too good to be true, then you don't need the DVD extra deleted scene to make it explicit.

how is it not?

it was quite a night, let me tell you.

at no point have i suggested that making Doctor Who (or any show) more accurately reflective of today's society, is a bad thing.

yeah, York never got over its sacking - no sense of humour.

i dunno, what football team would he/she support?

you know fine well that the phrase is not used as though it were in praise of a positive movement. in describing Doctor Who's modernisation to better reflect today's society, 'gay agenda' has inherently negative connotations - so i guess i'm an ultra right-wing homophobe.

it is negative. it's not me putting a negative spin on the phrase, it's whose who accuse the show (or anyone/thing) of having a 'gay agenda'.

i don't know what's real anymore!!

didn't realise it was from Coupling. kinda douchey to use it as a stick to beat Moffat with.

this has been scientifically proven.


men are every bit as needy as women (in my experience, more so), and saying that women are 'hunting' for husbands is an out-dated generalisation.


who could. from my very own hometown.