
at this point i don't really care. i was ready to abandon it at the end of season 2, but after a 12 month break returned. now, however, i'm done. it's really very shallow stuff.

i agree that there's very little depth to it. i love all the political machinations, but too often these are superceded and undercut by whomever has the biggest sword.

if i want bloody senseless reality, then i'll read a factual history book.

this is fast becoming a cheap ploy. while Ned Stark's demise was a welcome shock, it has got to the point where i am disinclined to invest in any character at all.

there's no real commitment with Hannibal - his character is minor and relatively unimportant.

it would be hysterical. can do both comedy and drama equally well and, although he's older, he's also supremely fit.

ach, you're no fun.

i like him ok, i just think he'd be really annoying as the Doctor. also, i'd like someone a bit older this time.

snappy comeback.

they are all terrible suggestions. were you trying to suggest actors with no discernable personality? good looks alone does not a Doctor make.

can't see it.

no. thank you.

eddie izzard?

it's time.

i remember laughing a lot at his eagle v baby rant.

Janine Turner is, which is why i was careful to make it clear that it was the character Maggie O'Connell that i had the crush on.

so long as we're being pedantic, it's Ms. Chanandler Bong.

ditto Lynda Day. followed by Maggie O'Connell in Northern Exposure.

you can see where he might be having a problem.

you hate the show, but it appears to loom quite large in your life.