
Stupidest Challenge Ever
I honestly didn't get tonight's episode, other than to showcase that annoying Buzz Aldren (we get it, you went to the moon; but shut up about space funding already). Had the challengers been required to freeze dry their meal, it would've been interesting. But it was really just a lame,

Does This Show Ever Plan to End?!?
It seems like, last season, the show looked to be setting up an end point, with everyone moving on with their lives, and poor Vince sitting alone in his mansion. With Eric getting married and Ari running the "biggest agency in the world", and Vince appearing to be heading for some

I suppose in real life, Nick is the kind of douche who'd credit himself for a movie he only finished for his dad posthumously.

And if Vince is back on top in Hollywood, why is he stuck in action films that Nick Cassavettes directs?

If this was facebook, I'd "like this."

He's just going to have an existential crisis - quit acting for an episode or two. Or maybe you're right about his healing powers, and the show is planning on throwing in vampires for ratings.

I Can't Figure What's More Wincing?
What was most ridiculous to you?