Le Sigh

Republicans got the government shutdown idea after drunkenly marathoning 30 Rock on Netflix.  Shut it down!

AVClub.com shuts down and we realize it was in our hearts the whole time.

Maybe they can split season five into two and release the last episode as a direct-to-dvd movie.  #sixseasonsandamovie

My mom leaves it on at night when she's doing crafts or on the computer to have something funny on in the background without having to commit to really paying attention to it. I imagine a lot of people turn it on just to have something on to watch while really doing something else. This is coming from someone that

The Next Generation needs more of the cute blond guy that was sitting in the corner. 

Who's the cute blond guy sitting in the corner?

Can us The Neighbors watchers agree on which show's comment thread to use to talk about the show in the comments?

@avclub-a452630477eb936fd36fc9a9542d4598:disqus fixed:  ::chugs fermented honey-wine::

It includes a montage of the main character assigning the work to first year and summer associates, then charging $900 an hour to review their memo and sit in on a business call. 

Yay, nepotism!

The "they were men" description makes me think of the alternate-reality version of this show that featured the cooky high-jinks of four female-to-male transgendered friends navigating life in the big city.

I hope it's done in real time, just like 24.  Can't wait for the hour-long legal research episode.  Or the episode arc where the main character oversees document review quality checks and orders the legal assistant to get sandwhiches for his overnight at the office to write inter-office memoranda.  Thrilling.

And the Emmy for best guest star actress is: Xena!

subcultures in subcultures.

I went to a K-8 school where the different age groups were kind of sectioned into different parts of the school.  But there wouldn't have been anything like Brick experienced because you were still in the general proximity to everyone else.  In high school, each grade had its own hallway (four story high school).  If

I went to Catholic high school.  PDA in the hall, no.  Praying in the hall, no problem. 

Are you looking for a house-husband for whatever the Swedish equivalent of a green-card marriage is? 

Without air conditioners, the Washington, D.C., region would even more unbearable than it is already.

Yes!  I caught one by chance last night.  Where Brick becomes school historian.

I'd let Darren fix my compressor.