Le Sigh

Maybe they'll just forget about it and never cancel it.

Tim "I-produce-a-show-about-superheros-but-have-never-read-a-superhero-comic" Kring?

As an attorney who graduated last year at the top of my class (barred in two jurisdictions) and has spent the last year unemployed, doing mind and soul crushing legal temp jobs, and unpaid volunteer work, and is currently an non-legal unpaid intern where the two other unpaid interns are community college students…I

I'm just glad they kept the robot that plays Lilly. 

I blame Andy Cohen.  Whenever he comes up on tv I always shout "shut up, Andy Cohen."

@avclub-e2a6a1ace352668000aed191a817d143:disqus  I didn't mean to imply that "Jewish and other" to give too much weight to Judaism in the development of Christianity.  As you wrote, there was a huge variety of religions that influenced the development of Christianity, from Greek philosophy to the cults in Egypt

As the filmmakers were worried about offending Muslims during one of the most thoughtful, earnest, and evenhanded television programs on Islam and the Prophet Mohammad on Western television, they decided not to portray Mohammad visually.

The winter solstice thing seems more like how nascent Christianity co-opted religious rituals to appeal to and convert "pagan" natives.  And sacrificial religions are "pre-Christian" in the sense that they've been around for most of human existence.

If you're interested in how the Judaic/Christian/Islamic monotheist understanding of god developed, and how other "pagan" religions' beliefs, contributed to that understanding,  A History of God by Karen Armstrong is a pretty good place to start.  It's been at least 10 years since I read the book, but I remember

Weren't the pagan rituals of pre-Christianity just Judaism?  Do you mean how other religious practices influenced Christianity as it spread?

Where the camera is giving you a first person view of Muhammad and everyone is just talking to the audience the whole time?

Who knows what those ladies are wearing under their burkas.

Muhammed, peace be upon him, was totally down for jacuzzi tubs and other luxury amenities. It's one of the lesser known hadiths.

Liechtenstein produces the largest number of dentures in the world AND is a safe heaven for dictators' and corrupt officials' money!  The trick to any sinister dystopia is asset diversification. 

I think it was that documentary that showed the campsites that pilgrims stay in during their journey.  I thought it outrageous that the Saudi government gave better accommodations (air conditioned, swanky cushion lined tents) to pilgrims from richer countries compared to what pilgrims from poor countries get (rugs on

Sure, we'd all like to go on the Hajj.   Too bad Saudi Arabia forbids non-Muslims from Mecca and will deport you from the country if you even try to enter.  So, this might be your best bet unless you're willing to convert.  

And why couldn't the rich people just send a programmer down to that server room and have him restore the system to the way it was before Matt Damon showed up?

@avclub-22eda830d1051274a2581d6466c06e6c:disqus Mine too!

My boy's a box!

It's on DVD.