
I hate myself for saying this, but sometimes I have to listen to Don't Phunk with My Heart by the Black Eyed Peas. I don't feel good about it, but that chorus is just so flipping catchy.

Apples in Stereo is one of those groups that change their sound from album to album but somehow always sound like the Apples in Stereo. I don't think Moone has their best work (though it's still awesome). Their last two albums, New Magnetic Wonder and Travellers in Space and Time might be my favorites, but they have a

I may hate the hell out of the Real Housewives shows, but this is a damn fine article. Good work.

Oh man.

Yes, it is a solid track. Also, knock it off.

I do agree with What's Up. I know the theories and literature and all that. But do I have to believe that gender is a perseption just because Judith Butler said that in the 70's? Anyway, I often felt that that lesbians who dress like lesbians (along with the short Sub Mariner haircut) do it to identify themselves as

Benjamin Button played normally was also pretty boring.

No fair. Penis is just naming former senators from Alabama.

I'm certainly not stoned
Wait, yes I am.

This doesn't even deserve to be dignified with an answer.

Failed 10th-sies
Fun Fact: Watching this movie as a teenager was the first time I'd ever heard Joy Division's "Love Will Tear Us Apart." I was convinced that the song was made specifically for the movie, because there was no way a song so awful could have actually been real.

What's keeping me from seeing it is the awards show clip the Golden Globes kept playing, with Geoffrey Rush and Colin Firth shaking their jowls at one another. I promised myself then and there, with God as my witness, that I will never watch this movie.

Junior Panthers
should be removed from Sloan's amazing One Chord to Another.

Hacky, not hokey. Excuse me.

I can't tell if this exhaustive list is a testament to the strength of a truly timeless tale, or if it's a disheartening look at the hokey cannibalization of lazy television writers. Either way, Merry Christmas.

Is there a specifc album you're in to? As much as I loved bloodsugarsexmagic, I think that One Hot Minute has their best work (and some of their worst).

808s and Heartbreaks
I hated that album when it came out, but I finally warmed up to it this November.

Compiling the worst movies in the past year
makes me realize that Lindsay Lohan hasn't starred in anything for some time.

I'm not really on board with Timothy Olyphant being awesome, or even good. I'll admit, though, that as Seth Bullock, he had excellent posture.

I like my beer cold, my tv loud, and my homosexuals fa-laming!