
Was this a real thing you saw? If so, was it from an episode of the short-lived "On The Television?"

A couple of Christmases ago my parents got me the complete series on DVD. I watched the whole run with my girlfriend-at-the-time in about two months. Almost immediately we watched the entire series again, except this time, at my girlfriend's insistence, we skipped "That's My Dog."

Pride has nothing to do with it. "Dancer in the Dark" is essentially about a woman doing a world's worth of penance for the one selfish act of her entire life.

Oh, good. It's not just me.

How do you know?

Which one is The Other Guy and which one is The Other Other Guy?

"Angie Dickinson could suck the sorrow off a recent widow"

I have no idea why I remember this so clearly, but "Romance" opens with a close-up of the frigid husband's face as makeup is applied to it with a brush.

Is this some bad mix, Mike?
So, does the clip on display here use the original mono sound mix or the terrible, terrible 5.1 surround mix?

I'm curious, what do you all make of "Interior Scroll?"

Keith Murray? Isn't he that guy who works on that A.V. Club Magazine with Kyle Rabin?

Being the owner of a powerboat and speaking a little conversational French, I think it's safe to say I know a little something about the music industry!

Didn't some band of folk troubadours make reference to that event in a song? I'm recalling a line that goes something like "Four embarrassed in Ohio… Four embarrassed in Ohio."

Beyonce's Jelly is her ass, which stands as a metaphor for her sexuality in general. That's how I always interpreted it, at least. I may be completely wrong.

My regular radio-listening days ended in about 1999, so I'm sort of catching up on the last decade of pop music via this column. The weird thing is how familiar so many of these songs are, despite the fact that I only know three of them (Bootylicious, Clint Eastwood, and that Monkees cover that appeared in Shrek). I

Jesus. I still remember when I could make my friends erupt in a chorus of "oh, I feel old now" by stating my birth year:

Me too. But it's still a God damn impressive contraption.

Imagine you're a deer…

High Five!