
Farewell Treme. I'll miss you.

That said, an episode all about endings. Big Chief, of course. (And I rather liked the fact that his house was finished, in spite of his grumblings. He finished his work in this world before passing into the next.) All of Davis's death comments. Annie ending her band. Antoine's after-school program coming to an

Sheesh - first you call Delmond "Rob," then you call him "Ron." Not great. Not great at all.

Further, one of the Tolkien languages (Quenya, I believe) was based on Welch.  Tolkien loved the language from his youth and seeing Welch words on trains passing by.  It's not a stretch to consider that Tolkien was no doubt well aware of the Welch myths when writing LOTR.

I loved Sofia's response too.  A bit awkward, but happy for her mom.  A nice change from Sofia from season 2 - looks like she's over the trauma.

I loved Sofia's response too.  A bit awkward, but happy for her mom.  A nice change from Sofia from season 2 - looks like she's over the trauma.

Did Rothstein somehow forget that he was a target of the explosion also?  It seems unlike him to overlook that little detail.

Did Rothstein somehow forget that he was a target of the explosion also?  It seems unlike him to overlook that little detail.

One objection: hasn't anyone in the Vatican heard of wet nurses?

I'm with Sacrilicious.  I've been reading a lot of commentary saying how Megan is all wrong for Don, and Faye was all right.  But I thought it was pretty clear last season what was happening: Don progressively auditioned all of the women in his life to see how they were with his kids.  Peggy was hopeless.  Faye was

My heart dropped when I saw the notice that there would be violence in this episode.  I worried about several of the characters wondering who the victim would be.  I suppose that's a sign that I've come to like these people.

Pretty straight forward: Walter's previous employer was the owner of Gettin Up Morning's sire.  That's the Colonel.  The Colonel gave Walter free use of the sire as stud, which is how Walter ended up with Gettin Up Morning.  The Colonel is now dead and his son is making trouble, trying to renege on the deal.  The son

You should read the introduction to William Manchester's "The Last Lion," which largely discusses the illicit sex lives of the English upper-crust in the late Victorian era.  Suffice to say that a woman with the status of a countess could and did often get away with all sorts of sexual adventures as long as she was

I've got to admit, the very last episode ruined the series for me.  Clearly this isn't something that Erik has gotten to yet, but I found it anticlimactic and disgruntling on any number of levels.

In my case, I don't want them to marry because I don't much like Mary.  She seems completely lacking in any positive attributes.  Even Edith is doing her part to keep up the morale of the soldiers these days, but not Lady Mary.

The two beats in the scene that get me: first, when he completely blows, he attacks the drafting board he has sitting in the corner, the symbol of his dreams to build something.  (And on a related note: it's clear that the housing development where the Martinis live is his proudest accomplishment, the one thing he's

Pretty clear, I thought
Skyler's motivations in returning, that is. First off, she still thinks she can control things (a common failing with Walt, apparently). But second, she's not just going to leave Junior behind. She really does have to protect him from Walt. If she can, of course.

Argh! Not the Nazis!
One annoyance: there are no Nazi robot monsters in Sucker Punch (a movie that I kinda liked). There's WWI-era German soldier clockwork robots, however. (I don't know why movie reviewers have such a hard time telling the difference between WWI soldiers and Nazis, unless historical ignorance is

Sure. But there's a difference between doing it and playing yourself doing it on a TV drama.

Foreshadowing, and spoilers