
Benihana Christmas is by far my favorite episode of The Office. I can't hear "We Belong" anymore without mentally adding "…Ryan" at the end of the chorus.

A few years back Neko was the celebrity guest on Wait Wait Don't Tell Me and one of her questions was about Necco Wafers. Jump ahead to 5:04:
I would give anything to see Neko Case and Shelby Foote interview each other.

And I will be the one to hold Larry Csonka down, kiss him so hard, I'll take Larry Csonka's breath away

And I will be the one to hold Larry Csonka down, kiss him so hard, I'll take Larry Csonka's breath away



Or Heather Graham and Kyle MacLachlan on Portlandia.

Google Reader hates the redesign
It's not appearing to work with Google reader—none of the headlines or copy are showing up. It just shows 11 posts that each say "Feature: Feature" and that's it. Boo!

Has this joke run its course?
But who were the American Rutles?