
English, but in French class. That teacher had really checked out.

Beauty and the Beast. In French. But not in French.

I'm imagining the writer high-fiving herself for coming up with this title.

I like Tyson a lot, but I must cheerfully and respectfully root against him from here on out, as I am Team Aras all the way.

I had a question about that, actually. So the revote worked this episode, but what would have happened if, say, Hayden/Vytas voted for Ciera and Katie/Caleb had voted for Brad? Would it be firemaking?

I've had a question that I've been waiting to ask all week (Wednesday nights/Thursdays are such a highlight for me it's almost embarrassing.)

It's especially great because I thought the episode had been pretty boring up to that point. I thought the Caleb stuff was all misdirection, and poorly edited misdirection at that. But then WHAMMO. Caleb opens his mouth at Tribal and the episode becomes 100% more interesting.

You wouldn't even have to change Caramoan (Caramoaning?)
seriously, the possibilities are endless.

Oh, no, I know that that's probably the case! What I meant to say was that I thought it was a funny little coincidence that two of Candice's three times on Survivor, she's Exile/Redemption island-bound.

His comeuppance will be delicious and I await it with bated breath.

"Now Redemption isn’t a wholly useless waste of time every week, as it serves to expose the ingrained alliances between loved ones and causes a lot more cross-strategy thinking between the members of the opposing tribes. "

@JudgeReinhold:disqus has anyone ever told you that you sound like John Krasinski?

@avclub-a5fdfa672284da6bf4f4326e2b3698bd:disqus mentioned this above, but Aras probably read the writing on the wall (not sure if he knew that Colton would quit, but definitely that something was wrong beyond just typical assholery) and thought he would be best served to calm him down. You know, having lived with

Is anyone else kind of loving Candice this season? I don’t
want her to win, per se, but I would love it if she continued to smoke people
in the duels. She and her husband are cute, too.

It's a REALLY hard disorder to shake, and I doubt a reality tv show is the best way to try, in any case. I haven't seen the show though so I can't speak to it.

I worked as an assistant for a woman who had a hoarding problem once. It hadn't been a huge problem in the home she'd lived in for most of her life, because it was a huge 6-bedroom with an attic and a barn. But when I was working for her, she had just moved into one of those little assisted-living apartments in a

It's an absolutely stellar scene. I don't know why, but this was the only thing in the entire run to make me tear up, even though it's not objectively sad (like many of the other, also great, moments in this show are). It's more just familiar, and really beautifully quiet and simple. Also, the music choice is perfect.

@avclub-bb086401010497628aca7631857a204d:disqus Actually, Rama Lama was choreographed by Wade Robson! lawd do i miss him. Jaime and Hok's Chairman's Waltz and Janette and Brandon's Ruby Blue are two of my favorite routines ever.

Allow me to put my weeb goggles on.

As an Asian American female these don't bother me - it just seems lazy more than malicious or even harmful (Asian jokes about a small penis? Comedy GOLD!).