
I loved Mackenzie and I'm sad to see her go but I don't like to simplify her bottom-hovering status as "oh, tween girls won't vote for her because they're jealous" - perhaps because I wasn't a tween girl THAT long ago myself. Mackenzie is gorgeous, but you know, so were the other four girls in the top 5. (If you think

Tonight was great, which made it all the more disappointing when we had to send someone home - I knew it was going to be tough, but I didn't realize how invested I was in either Nico or Mackenzie, considering neither was my pick to win it all. I knew it wasn't going to happen, but I was seriously hoping for a

I thought it was weird that they got Alex to do the paso considering he's a ballet boy, and it was weirder still when they actually like…gave him a short critique during judging. It was just a "you looked great!" or something but he isn't competing this season. Why not give Jenna a ballroom expert like Haley got last

@avclub-02c1dd6ad234773aeffd7f7067784d58:disqus …oh.

Like Tony Hale before him, I am simultaneously relieved and disappointed that Jim Rash is nothing like his character in real life.

I don't think there's any way to make jogging in place look anything but silly. I felt bad for laughing at Alexis but it just felt so awkward to me.

I didn't dislike the ending as much as you did, but I do think it's interesting. I don't think that they've ever left so much unfinished before - of course, they had much less serialization before as well. Here we're left with the "murder" mystery, Lindsay's campaign, Gob's Tony problem, GM's money problem - big

Those credits were masterful. I don't think I even noticed until Maeby's episode that there was something going on, but then it just became so obvious. And the way the family's individual instruments all came together for the finale felt almost epic, if that word still has any meaning. (Thanks, internet!)

I remember Ruby Blue as being my favorite number of the night that also contained Kayla and Kupono's Addiction routine, which speaks to its strength. And Crash Test Dummies was just lovely, and showed a quieter side to his choreography.

I like Alexis a lot, but I’m realize after last week and
this week that she isn’t on a level with the rest of the dancers. Some of those
lifts this week looked very labored (this is also Nico, of course) and her
energy was pretty low. I was honestly surprised that she wasn't in the bottom tonight.

I realize I like Jasmine H. a lot because she reminds me of Ellenore - they're both more subdued than a lot of their competitors, and they're both technically beautiful.

I think a big thing is that there are rarely dances choreographed for two people on Broadway - solos and big groups are more common -  so most of the dances on this show end up being high-energy but watered down contemporaries. My favorite "Broadway" routine in recent memory was the Top 8 Mia Michaels "One" routine

I'd say the price is worth it, too. Those games are excellent, especially if you're into mysteries.

I feel you. I really appreciate Brad Bird's refusal to create Incredibles 2 until he has an idea that he feels can live up to the original, but whenever I rewatch the original film, I find myself thinking "have a new idea soon!"

Care to elaborate? I think that Pixar makes great movies compared to other Hollywood films - not because of its use of animation, but because of its storytelling and world-building.

I love Finding Nemo, but I saw it as an 8-year old, so that might be the nostalgia. It is a beautiful, beautiful movie though, and I would even go as far as to say very original, even though I know there's really no such things any more.

I've only seen Toy Story 3 once but I personally think it drags a little in the middle. The escape stuff is creative enough, but the front and back ends of the movie are so incredible and emotional that it makes the whole "toys don't trust Woody" retread a little tiresome, even in a new setting.

Everyone here has been so honest. I'm pretty sure I'll like season 3 - any season with a group chicken dance has to be pretty good.

Also, Will Arnett looks gooooood this season.

I just finished the second season of Arrested Development and I'm kind of scared to watch the third, both because I've heard some bad things about its quality and because I have no doubts about my ability to watch all 28 episodes left in a VERY short amount of time, and then, at least as of now, I'll be done with all