
I think it speaks to the amazing talent that SYTYCD showcases that I can be pleased as punch with that list even though it's missing Janette Manrara.

This episode made me realize how much I love Christopher Scott. Both of the routines he choreographed tonight were great. I was also thrilled to see Mia choreograph again. Even before I knew it was her (through liberal use of the FF button), her routine was one of my favorites.

I just started watching Arrested Development last week - I had always meant to, but the new season caused me to finally bite the bullet and tune in. I'm six episodes into season 2, so keep in mind I don't know much about the third or new seasons (I did watch the first episode to see how the Netflix thing would work).

I'm sad that Shan-Shan (sp?) was cut broke my heart a little. I thought she seemed so humble and sweet (and I always like seeing Asians in popular media). Plus, I was really impressed by her initial audition. I hope she comes back next year.

@avclub-a5fdfa672284da6bf4f4326e2b3698bd:disqus I get that, definitely. I so did not enjoy Gabon.
Now that I look back, I would say at least that it stood up better as a "twist" than the clusterfuck that was Redemption Island. But there are definitely better ways to achieve the same result.

Oh please! Get Taj back. In a season with JT, Stephen, Tyson, and Coach she isn't typically the first thing people think of when they look back on Tocantins, but she was such a smart lady and her "Exile Alliance" did a lot towards making the pre-merge game actually interesting, which is rare.

Word. I know that water challenges are fun but my favorite locations so far have been the ones in which there is some interaction with the local culture and geography: Tocantins, and China especially, come to mind. What about some place in Japan, or India, or New Zealand?

Oh, one final observation. I know that Reynold is probably this season's chosen one to return in the future, but based on this episode alone I would really like to see Michael come back. He owned being a Jury member – his delighted reactions at
the beginnings of tension between Cochran and Dawn were so much fun to

I loved Tocantins. It's far and away my favorite "traditional" season among the recent ones. JT's reputation was tarnished by HvV, but he was actually fairly crafty in his original season. Stephen was my favorite contestant for a long time, and I still love Erinn. I credit the casting - we had a lot of great

How adorable is it that Cochran was really excited about the walk of the fallen survivors, of all things? And his presence on that tour made it better, almost, because he is such a scholar of the game. I actually enjoyed it this year. Even Eddie’s comment about Hope seemed sweet.

however, allow me to take five seconds to make my usual pitch of "BRING YUL KWON BACK"

Jeff’s entrance at Erik’s medical emergency was so sitcom.
They’re all sitting around and then he just comes in all “hey guys.” I almost
expected studio applause.
Poor Erik. His second time here and it went over like a wet fart.

Also: “I haven’t pissed anybody off, but on the opposite of that
[sic], I’ve only voted one person off, so how strategic have I been?” - Eddie,
still fundamentally not understanding how to craft a compelling argument and also how the Survivor social game works

Rob C. and Aras! I hope it's true. They have such a great rapport over at the podcast, and I would love to see some sort of alliance come from that. Aras is very insightful and I don't think he gets enough credit as a player or a winner.

I agree. I was very impressed with Dawn's final tribal…it wasn't the best ever, but she held her own and had some very good points, particularly re: her ability to gather information. I mean, expected one or two votes to be thrown her way, at least.

To be completely fair, the jurors really didn't make it so easy on her by outright refusing to ask her questions. I mean, based on her choke-tastic opening speech it's probably a moot point, but even when the jury members didn't ask Dawn or Cochran a question they usually said something to them or about their game.

Did anyone see the recap episode? I normally skip over those, but I'm glad I watched this one. Willam's section was fun, if scripted, because she's fun. The showcase of some choice video recaps was also really enjoyable. I really appreciate that Drag Race is a show that seems to appreciate its audience as an entity