that goof on his bike

It's a sad argument, but it's good enough. Vote not Trump!

The Family Circus dad was a cartoonist at one point. He may still be, but he goes to an office a lot lately when he used to work out of the house, so I think they retconned him into an office job.

They are running a business. Basically what he's saying is "if you're in Austin and you're serious about your craft, you gotta come to the major leagues. Shame we can't come to you." He's trying to get people to go to their school. Now, you go "ut uh," and prove him wrong.

Give 'em time.

No, these days we homage Netflix using someone's logein.

You know, if anything happened between her and the president, I'd be right there for her. But I'd suspect the transition from White House to this dingy sweatbox of a trashed apartment I live in would be like a case of the bends and she would surely perish. That should be a sitcom. Ex-president and first lady lose all

The musicianship on "Joe's" is off the charts. I've just dismissed the lyrics as byproducts of the songs they're a part of. "Dong Work for Yuda" is fun if you know the story and "Keep it Greasy" is just some outstanding playing even if the lyrics are stupid.

His earlier music was a greater "screw you" to hippies, and he was saying it right in the middle of the hippie boom happening. Comparing Sgt. Pepper to Freak Out is a strange comparison, even for a Beatle. I blame the pot.

It's not grammar as much as style. I dunno about other stylebooks, but AP style says you spell out one through nine and then go to numerals for 10 and above. Unless the numeral starts a sentence. Then you spell it out. That's one of the dumber style rules. Actually, AP Style is pretty dumb overall. People know what

Saw one of these after a basketball game on TNT. There was exactly ONE funny moment in the hour show that didn't involve Murray~! I so wanted to see him call a band meeting or something to remind me of something much better than this.

Deep-fried Twinkies are OK, as are deep-fried Oreos, but you gotta try a deep-fried Snickers when they come right out of the fryer. They're amazing.

Let's just cut to the chase here: Fuck this James Corden clown. Fuck him and his car karaoke.

"San Francisco cocksucka"?

I mean, "she's a rather attractive lady," could still be seen as sexist by someone - "you're objectifying her! She's more than just her looks!" So, I give up, and would just like to say I'd like to chase her around while "Yakety Sax" plays.

(makes sexist, but joking, comment about how incredibly attractive I think Alyson Hannigan is)

Don't they have a whole site that makes fun of crap like those shitty headlines?

DVD? Caveman.

Is ANYONE showing The Critic, streaming or otherwise? I think it'd be a decent cheap bet for Adult Swim.

Better safe than sorry, as they say. Once you do that five-day thing to see if you can tolerate it, you're safe to do 25/25 whenever, provided new heath woes don't pop up. Also, I may have accidentally misspoke about it "wearing off" - when it feels like it isn't working (which may take longer than 3 weeks), drop it

OK. First, you gotta make sure you can actually take speeding up yer old ticker. If you're morbidly obese, I'd skip it. If you think your heart can't take it for any reason, don't. And if you live in a meth-addled state like me, it's damn near impossible to get.