that goof on his bike

Absolutely. I'm not calling you a moron for liking it, it just defines "not my cup of tea" for me. I dug it in high school (especially the movie), but looking back on it, I rank them up there as "what was I thinking" high school dalliances like me thinking Rush was so awesome.

See, that's the reaction I get from other jam fans. They all say "but Pink Floyd is so influential, how could you not like them?" They're constantly in the discussion of the elite truly great bands, and they don't deserve it, thus the "overrated." I've caught much flack over this in the past, to the point where I

Nothing can save the album from dreck like "Mother" and "Comfortably Numb" and "Young Lust" and "Hey You." As a concept album, it's well put together - the movie is much better laid out than any other "rock opera" movie, but the source material is just awful. "Mother" has to be in the conversation of worst song ever

I think records sound warmer than CDs by a decent margin. There's lots of FLACs of record rips online. I don't care enough about audio to go through the trouble of buying and listening to albums, though. CDs/MP3s are fine by me. I used to be a FLAC snob until I said "screw it." I definitely want to see V0s or 320 or

I never said it was. I said fans of jam music are usually fans of Pink Floyd also.

The Wall is horrid, unless you're a 16-year-old kid who thinks it's "heavy." Way overrated. I'm not trolling, BTW, I just don't have a high opinion of Pink Floyd or the Doors. It's caused me grief in my hippie music circles. Most people who like jam music think Pink Floyd can do no wrong.

Records strike me as a collector's item deal that probably doesn't even get opened half the time. They do sound better than CDs, though, and undoubtedly better than MP3s.

One should not have to replace the batteries in a CD case.

The "L.A. Woman" album also has some tasty bass, by Elvis Presley's live bass player at the time (and the father of Chicago's current singer/bassist) Jerry Scheff. But anyone who still thinks Morrison is a poet needs a head check.

Upon reflection, let's say they're even. "Dark Side" and "Wish You Were Here" are criminally overrated, but you're right, that may be because classic rock radio and my college stoner buddies killed them dead.

Most overrated?:
A. Pink Floyd
B. The Doors
I'm leaning Pink Floyd, but it's not a strong lean.

It may have been Ferguson's decision to leave (I dunno, I think that's more of a face-saving thing), but I'm sure CBS wasn't exactly begging him to stay. With Colbert coming on, I bet they wanted fresh faces all around. Seth Myers hasn't really done anything to make that 12:30 slot his - I think CBS smells weakness

They're so fine!

I hope CBS doesn't take at least the clips down, but I bet they will. I hope they don't crack down on YouTube either. It was funny when Craig mentioned YouTube as a way to see the show, and then quickly added "and CBS, too."

Plus it was so HIM. He did exactly what he wanted to do, and hoped that you'd like him and trust him to go along for the ride. He knew he had a small, but devoted, audience, and they loved whatever he did. If the network gave him notes, I'm sure he didn't follow them and didn't tone down or change what he did to try

I think Craig grew to know that he wasn't gonna get the Late Show, regardless of his contract.

Fall 2016, actually.

Daily Show was hilariously mean under Kilborn. He was so damn snarky.

That was tremendous, thanks. I love the ease of their rapport, like two old friends:
"You did a good job"
"All of the time?"
"Most of the time."

Wow. Thanks.