that goof on his bike

It's a step down from CBS, sure, but it'll do. If I read correctly, it would be carried on TV stations owned by Tribune Broadcasting, including WGN America, which is a big cable network in the U.S. - 74 million households, 65 percent of people with cable. Plus it would be on these local channels: http://en.wikipedia.or

Any idea what "Bill Cosby" said that earned that GIGANTIC bleep?

Letterman's been a big backer. Would love to know what he said Wednesday or Thursday, but his comments after Ferguson announced his departure were awesome. Leno was a perfect guest, because of the parallels. They both got shoved out the door for younger and hipper. Plus they've became legit friends over the years. And

Craig was on his best behavior that night and you could tell Brimley was charmed and appreciative that Craig and his audience treated him so well and with so much respect. Then when he nailed the harmonica bit, the place came unglued. One of my favorite moments from the show.

The Tribune deal would put him on WGN, which has tons of clearance in the U.S., for a rumored 30 minutes at 7 p.m. Eastern.

It's pretty crazy these days that you can technically fight a war these days without firing a shot. Our whole little dependance on computers and networks is a house of straw waiting to be blown down by any little big bad wolf. Kind of a level playing field when we have a gigantic advantage in a real fight with real

"Lorde, Lorde, Lorde, I am Lorde."

Wonder if Uncle Tupelo would play if Uncle Tupelo were elected to the Hall? I doubt it. Let's see: Alice in Chains, Primus, Smashing Pumpkins, Uncle Tupelo, Ween? Would Ween play together again at the Hall?

Tuning a half-step flat is always because of vocal issues. Singer has hard time singing song in original key, has easier time singing if flattened a half-step. Lotta bands do this. It's still a pain to play, though. Everything sounded wrong.

I always hate it when people whine about the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, but jeez, Joan Jett? Who's next, Taco? Timbuk 3?

I just think reviewers hold shows like South Park to too high of a standard for a 30-minute cartoon diversion. So they didn't tie up some plotlines, who cares? So it's not in the top 10 of all-time great episodes. So what if the season was several minor successes and one home run (Freemium)? It's South Park and it's a

Oh. Sorry.

South Park Studios gets the show up on Hulu within about four hours of its airing. I have Comedy Central and that's the way I watch it because it works better with my schedule.

Butters could've summoned him in the mirror.

His/her name (don't care) was probably Tard but picked up Tardar Sauce as a nickname. If you don't have 100 nicknames for your cat, you're not trying hard enough. My kitten's nickname, for some reason, became "Nee-Nee," or "Panini." I'm never feeling a woman's touch again, am I?

At least the cat probably isn't gonna whine about the hotels she books.

America: what a country!

California Love

Who in the fuck wants to see John Mayer host anything? I probably won't watch this, because I'm still SO butthurt over CBS getting rid of the best part of late-night TV, but I will give the new guy a chance. Two guest host suggestions that they won't do: 1. Geoff Peterson. 2. Jason Segel. Thomas Lennon's a friend of

Jumpin' Jack Flash, was Dave's morning show weird. It was wonderful.