that goof on his bike

Nice feature on a great band.

"Meth is a hell of a drug."

Yeah, I have no idea who she is or what she does (I'm old), but damn, she's special.

"Grumpy Cat played by Alan Smithee"

Matthews can be an interesting songwriter - "Gravedigger" is awesome, and "The Lillywhite Sessions" is simply fantastic - and the band has some great musicians in it. The drummer, especially. But the music still, as a whole, falls flat, and I'm truly surprised they're still as popular as they are in concert. And dear

Just don't let me catch you in a public room driving that thing around, game boy.

Don't miss out on public freemode just because there are bullies out there. I've met several people I call "GTA Friends" who I'd take a bullet for, just sweet people, and I met them because I wasn't killing everyone in a public room. I've had some priceless interactions with complete strangers, like the guy who

I have thought the very same thing. "Who comes up with this stuff?" You had to go to a place where she couldn't get out of the car, fire a shot into the air to scare her, then get out of the car and kill her. We always laughed when I described the glitch to buddies, because the XBox Live chats were like "no, you gotta

Dude/chick/whatever, it's a video game. It's not like I'm beating bums in real life or go around on a real-life crime spree like someone out of A Clockwork Orange. I'm being a prick to strangers in a video game. They are very often pricks to me, in return. It's part of the fun. It's what people do in this game. You

It's one of the biggest beefs of the GTA Online community, that there's meanies in every room running around trying to blow people up, and that's not fair. I used to agree. But tons of what you want to accomplish can be done in private rooms away from the meanies, and if you're too lazy to go in a private room, screw

I know nothing about LA, but Strawberry is in the southeast corner of the city, near an area heavily filled with docks and industry. It's quite a bit away from Vinewood, the game's version of Hollywood.

Plus they have legit had a fit with exploits and hackers and whatnot - they're constantly having to put out fires. I think they just got lazy about it - they had our $60, screw it. Why go through all the trouble when no one who had been playing the game was buying Shark Cards after the 200 money exploits?

Rockstar just said heists are coming out on all platforms with the first full update for the XBox One/PS4. About 14 months after the introduction of online for XBox 360. We were literally promised heists soon when the online version came out. It's a running joke between longtime players.

Later there was a car-duplication glitch involving killing a hooker and keeping her corpse in your passenger's seat that was totally fun in its awfulness.

Yep, there are projects, where you will get shot at for looking at someone the wrong way. There are three gangs, where simply being in the neighborhood can get you shot at, especally with the hair-trigger Vagos. They all live a couple of blocks from each other, though. I hate fighting people in the projects (called

It's "elite" for the Chic Fil A crowd, upscale for Mrs. Joe Six-Pack.

Tried to scan the comments before posting. I can actually speak with some expertise on this - I'm a level 360 online, and have been playing pretty steady for the last year. Some very lengthy notes:

Man, Valerie Bertnernie looks fantastic to be 54. Probably the miracles of modern surgery, but she's something.

At least until she dies. I dread the Internet when that happens.

Beat me to it. Pot will never be SO legal that you can smoke legally in your car, because that would seem to be promoting DUIs. Legalized pot will always be an "in the privacy of your home" thing, and of course, you don't need a stealth bong at home. Coffeehouses like in Amsterdam might pop up, but that also might