that goof on his bike

Comparing SNL to an off-Broadway play would be fine if it wasn't on one of Broadway's biggest stages in NBC. If it were on something like TruTV or something like that, the show would have an excuse. With it being on NBC and being able to command a budget that Lorne Michaels should be able to bring in, it should be

Man, oh man, how I like me some Kelly. I also really like Lena Dunham. I sense a pattern.

Man, the one where he gets goofy on the laughing gas at the dentist's office is must-see television.

Single? Like fat, broke old dudes? Let me know.

And him still EASILY being the sanest one in the family.

The A.V. Club: A Stick Up Its Ass Since 1996

The best song on the radio on the best station on the game is El Ray Y Yo by Los Angeles Negros. But they couldn't have picked a better song for Michael's trip flying sequence than the one they picked.

Oh, come on, Jack White has a fucking phone. I can't much imagine the dude standing at a pay phone calling someone. Actually, he has one of those old-timey hand-cranked phone at home, but Betty Lou is never on the other end to connect him to Pennsylvania-5-220. The reason why he's so careful with his phone numbe is

Don't care what anyone else thinks or says, she's incredibly attractive.

Jesus Christ, you AV Club writer people would still find a way to shit all over Family Guy if the show's staff came to your offices and started passing out blow jobs.

How have I never even heard of this show until now? And it's on NBC? Is it any good?

Her skill was showing her panties on TV. I dunno jack squat about her career except for the panties-showing stuff, so I can't really discuss anything about her other than "she's still attractive."

So you probably wouldn't appreciate me saying that I still would rather like to have sex with her?

Shut up, Meg.

(In Boo from 'Monsters Inc.' voice) PAUL MAZURSKY!

Listen to this song for the millionth time and pay close attention to Mike Mills' bassline. It's pretty much a master course in great pop bass playing.

Great review to point out the two major fallacies of weight loss: The "must eat completely cleanly" thing and the "exercise your ass off" thing. I'd say weight loss is probably 85 percent diet, 15 percent exercise.

To me, she is. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I'm sadly one of the few people in the world who thinks Lena Dunham is crazy hot, so there you go.

I'm freaking SHOCKED I read through these comments and no one has mentioned the incredibly creepy breastfeeding thing. Still, to me, she's just incredibly hot (that's quite the cute picture that accompanies this column), and I'd let her breastfeed me for four years. But honestly, if there's been a more fawning

She's 20 years younger than him. He traded Kim Gordon in on a newer model. Happens all the time to these "celebrity" types. Who gives a shit at this point? They operate under different sets of rules than regular folks do.