that goof on his bike

Mindy Kaling needs to join the cast of "Girls" and try to out-nude Lena Dunham. HBO'll have one more subscriber then, by golly.

You also have to remember that it was supposed to keep going when it got canceled, so a lot of those loose ends could've gotten tied up in the next season that never happened. One of the biggest robberies in TV history was not getting to see what happened next between Hearst's faction and Swearengen/the rest of the

Yeah, hell, the AV Club eats chocolate-flavored potato chips and drinks asparagus-flavored soda, the least they can do is smoke some of this blue meth and report about it.

No love yet for squeaky-voiced teen dressed like Guy Fieri?

He'll take an Assistant Manager job at McDonald's 'cause he needs the insurance.

I know I'm probably wrong with my interpretation, but you never technically saw Wendy click "yes" on sending the picture. I thought that was a nice touch to end the season.

Obvious halftime performers:
Arcade Fire
The Postal Service
Bon Iver

And by that, I mean I want to have sex with her.

If only I could've seen Steamy Ray Vaughn and Steamy Nicks duet at the South Park bowling alley.

Was Michael Ivins out there? If he was, I missed spotting him.

Rebel Wilson needs to join the cast of "Girls" and start snagging way more tallywacker than Lena Dunham ever dreamed of. Complete with nudity.

Modern technology's taken all the audience-torturing fun out of those three-hour waits for Guns N Roses - now the audience can just sit there and play Candy Crush while they're waiting for the band to start.

I'm gonna sit back, relax, watch the stars …
James and Jason, Kirk and Lars …

Wasn't that the name of the first single from Fall Out Boy's last album?

It should be fairly easy to review - does the series of jokes held together by the flimsy plot work? Does the show make you laugh, and if so, how often and how much?

I know they're two different reviewers, but it's sad to see a below-average-even-for-today's-Simpsons episode get a B- and an above-average-for-today's-Family-Guy episode get a C.

Ah, a handful of mild laughs does not a decent episode make. They're not starting off on the right foot if they wanna convince anyone that things are gonna be different or better this season than last. It's a cliche to say "the show isn't as good as it used to be" because the show isn't as good as it used to be. Now

Alls I know is that this fucker's been doing the talk show rounds promoting this movie, and he gets exponentially more annoying the more I see him.

I think there's a mental instability in hoarders that needs more than just therapy. They never try to get the hoarders on meds to help them straighten their brains out, then start with the therapy. I also loved it how the show wouuld be like "well, we want to get you into therapy." "No." "OK." I know you can't make

That goddamn talking sausage had better smoke a lot of pot.