
Verily, as the lord sayeth, "Thou shalt always looks on the bright side of life."

"The intention of the Nerdist podcast was never to get people to like it" . . . . . okay . . . . . sure.

Right, but it's still possible to tighten the format in such a way as to cut out the annoying stuff, or just edit out dumb parts. A fun hang-out conversation is great, but if everyone involved is not thinking "oh, we have to actually entertain our listeners," what's the point? My friend and I have fun, hang-out

I haven't actually watched the special, but I guess the difference is, is he mocking the strippers for doing what strippers do, and not making a bigger act of being into them? Or is he mocking the patrons who expect that strippers will genuinely care about them as people? It sounds like he's accurately characterizing


I thought the joke was borderline. He's making a joke about the play-acting that is the strip-club experience, and how shallow it is. Could he have done that without making a derogatory comment about strippers? Yeah. But the joke is still effective.

In contrast, I don't think that Jonah and Matt actually bring a huge amount to the podcast. Having them both is definitely overkill, and the times when all three of them are talking over one another are incredibly irritating.

The best Nerdist interviews are the ones that only involve him and the subject. When his sidekicks are there, it gets tiresome because everyone is trying and failing to be funny at the same time. The quality of the Nerdist varies a lot. Some of the one-on-one interviews are literally the best interviews I've ever

War Horse is the first movie I've ever turned off without finishing. That shit is so schmaltzy I almost felt like he was mocking the people who died in WWI.

TL:DR version: "This is the best acid ever."

TL:DR version: "This is the best acid ever."

Yeah, I seriously doubt that people that practice polyamory, upon meeting someone they're attracted to are like "you seem cool, but I can't possibly fall in love with you unless I simultaneously fall in love with at least one other person." That's what an orientation implies - you literally have NO OTHER CHOICE but to

Yeah, I seriously doubt that people that practice polyamory, upon meeting someone they're attracted to are like "you seem cool, but I can't possibly fall in love with you unless I simultaneously fall in love with at least one other person." That's what an orientation implies - you literally have NO OTHER CHOICE but to

"YEAH! We totally look like we could single-handedly fight off the Chine- I mean, North Koreans!"

"YEAH! We totally look like we could single-handedly fight off the Chine- I mean, North Koreans!"

This is why people should never leave valuable estates to their stupid children.

This is why people should never leave valuable estates to their stupid children.

"Hopefully my career will go well enough that no one will remember that I was part of a pointless remake of a stupid, nonsensical movie."

"Hopefully my career will go well enough that no one will remember that I was part of a pointless remake of a stupid, nonsensical movie."

I'm thinking going along with this without a written contract is actually a really bad idea. Let's say in the course of busting his balls, she seriously injures him. If ends up needing medical care, he could claim that she attacked him, to cover with his wife.