
I'm thinking going along with this without a written contract is actually a really bad idea. Let's say in the course of busting his balls, she seriously injures him. If ends up needing medical care, he could claim that she attacked him, to cover with his wife.

Yes, and a warning about google image searching that: some things should be left unseen.

Yes, and a warning about google image searching that: some things should be left unseen.

This weeks column is great and all, but I kind of miss the golden age of Savage Love where he would just pick out the weirdest, most bizarre problems and answer those. Problems enjoying oral sex with your spouse is not uncommon, I'm sure, but pretty tame.

This weeks column is great and all, but I kind of miss the golden age of Savage Love where he would just pick out the weirdest, most bizarre problems and answer those. Problems enjoying oral sex with your spouse is not uncommon, I'm sure, but pretty tame.

Not knowing correct terminology indicated ignorance, and possibly a charming innocence - not stupidity.

Not knowing correct terminology indicated ignorance, and possibly a charming innocence - not stupidity.

Yes, I'm sure all of the other gay dudes agree with you.

Yes, I'm sure all of the other gay dudes agree with you.

Except he no longer has the capacity to create fun. Did you see War Horse? What a schlocky schmaltz-fest.

Except he no longer has the capacity to create fun. Did you see War Horse? What a schlocky schmaltz-fest.

I'm a Westerner, and I can tell Chinese and Japanese people apart. However, unless the Chinese actors in question are required to speak Japanese and are bad at it, it seems kinda racist to bitch about it.

I'm a Westerner, and I can tell Chinese and Japanese people apart. However, unless the Chinese actors in question are required to speak Japanese and are bad at it, it seems kinda racist to bitch about it.

samoanbiscuit What do you mean? So Hans, Japanese people and Koreans are not the same ethnicity? What qualifies as an ethnicity in your book?

samoanbiscuit What do you mean? So Hans, Japanese people and Koreans are not the same ethnicity? What qualifies as an ethnicity in your book?

He should just shout, "IT TIME GAY SNOO-SNOO!!!"

He should just shout, "IT TIME GAY SNOO-SNOO!!!"



Eric Schweig was incredibly hot. He was still adorable in "Big Eden."