
According to Adam Carolla on his podcast, Paul was never intentionally heckling and that was all part of the bit - the episode was just edited to make it look like Paul was serious, which you can kind of tell by the ominous musical tones they overlay on top of Paul's heckling.  In reality, Paul got big laughs for his

I figured it was Ashur just by process of elimination. His face was clearly covered so that there would be a big reveal and Ashur was the only major character we hadn't seen yet.

It's worth noting that Deep Space Nine started before TNG ended. There was an overlap of two seasons, so "Preemptive Strike" came after a lot of the Bajoran/Kardassian mythos had been established in DS9.

I loved the episode. I think anyone who has gotten on board with this show would love this episode as the show is very unique in general and is about more then some A to B to C plot line. There's been a couple of episodes that took the action away from Abaddon to show a certain side of Amy and her relationships. The

Seems to me that this was the first time an episode actually spent a fair amount of time with people other than George and Tessa and that makes for a vast improvement. Previously it was pretty rare to have a scene without George or Tessa in it - and even if they weren't directly involved in a moment they were usually

Holder's Frame Up Job
I am not sure Holder's frame up job was ever intended to stand the test of time. My guess is that he was working for someone who just wanted to have Richmond arrested in order to kill his campaign. Probably won't ever find out because I don't think I will watch Season 2 after this abortion of a

Keep the grades
Keep the grades

Bald guy
My guess is he is, in fact, some sort of vice squad or DEA guy who is also basically a police-approved Narcotics Anonymous sponsor. My guess it is relatively common for undercover narcotics officers to come out of their detail with drug problems - but it would not be appropriate from them to talk about the

Problems with Michael Scott
The problem with Michael Scott's maturation stems from the fact that the show has been horribly inconsistent with his character for a while. They alternate between making him awkward and goody, but fundamentally a nice guy with some actual sales skills and making him extremely stupid,

They are not all pre-selections. There are people who just got in the cab off the street. I have a friend who was one of them.

I am wondering what will happen with Solonius now. Tullius said he would exclude both of them from the games if Batiatus did not sell him Gannicus. Well now Batiatus has secured his own spot, but Solonius will probably still be excluded. Sounds like Batiatus is the one who seeds the rift between him and

The photographer was taking a picture of a child when he got the shit kicked out of him.

Walternate's Plan
Walternate says they need to learn how Olivia is able to move between the worlds - not what she knows about Earth-1. Remember, Olivia has been able to travel between the worlds twice now without using any fancy devices the open windows between the worlds. Walternate had to use bizarro machines that

I love how filthy the League. You are right, it's not anything too crazy or much different than Its Always Sunny or Louie or Archer, but it's still not all that common. If you are watching FX comedies you should already be used to it. I still find it to be so much more authentic then any comedy on network

Sounds like a House rip-off, but with lawyers.

Season 8
HBO announced at TCA that there would be a Season 8 and it would be the last season for Entourage.

the clue was actually "they hide in plain sight"

Pam & Flying
We knew Eric created Pam a long time ago - early after the characters were introduced in season 1 I believe. The reason Pam serves Eric is because he is her maker.

Don't front - you didn't really think about Crazy 8 when you posted. Strangling someone to death is about as "direct" a killing you can get.

He wasn't going to move to Bismark. That was just a random bit of trivia because the Party Down office is big on trivia.