
Man, I really enjoyed this show at the time. There was definitely a trend of these shows that were trying to be mini-action movies at the time. Keep in mind, this was around the time that Robbery Homicide Division from Michael Mann popped up, as well as UC: Undercover and 24. You guys should definitely do an article

There was no reason for Olenna to predict that Cersei would resurrect a 200 year old Church militia and have Loras arrested for homosexuality. My guess is Olenna will probably meet with the High Sparrow and ask why Loras was targeted and Cersei was not considering Cersei's own sins (which Lancel knows about). Also,

After Tommen tells her he couldn't do anything, Margaery says that she has to send word to her grandmother. Sounds like she's going to bring in someone who can plot circles around Cersei to take care of this mess. Margaery isn't crafty enough to out maneuver Cersei, but the Queen of Thorns certainly can.

Holy Wayne was shot by the police before ending up in the bathroom. On the radio before reaching the restaurant there was mention of a Tristate manhunt.

She was outside of her probation period. She started well before Thanksgiving and fired well after Valentine's Day.

Such bullshit. Nina totally should have won. My impression is that Tom bullied the panel into naming Nick the winner, which has happened before. I am not going to pretend that I won't keep watching the show, but it's still pretty aggravating.

I think Joffrey's wedding will be in the season finale for the reasons you indicate. They showed very little of what's going in the season finale. Also, I wouldn't be surprised if they skipped showing the actual ceremony and cut right to the party. We don't need to see yet another wedding ceremony. Or they might

Was part of the point about the Pete lying to his mom and saying it's St. Patrick Day because she's racist against Irish people and wouldn't want to be out while they are out and about?

My recollection is Jeyne lived on but became an irrelevant character after Robb died. I think her mom even came up with some reason for her not to be at the Red Wedding, because her mom was plotting with Tywin the whole time. But I don't think Jeyne was part of the plot, I think her mother manipulated her into

Anyone who thinks Jeyne Westerling ("Talisa" in the books) is, or was, pregnant in the books is smoking serious crack. They are just bandying about that theory because they are upset Robb was killed. The book made it very clearly that Jeyne's mother was loading her up on "moon tea" or whatever to make absolutely

In the books, Qyburn is a former maester with the mercenary troop known as the Brave Companions - who they've eliminated from the show. As such, they've introduced simply as a surviving member of Harrenhal keep - but with essentially the same back story. In the books, he eventually he makes his way to King's Landing

My guess would be Donnie & Paul know each other from the military and that Donnie was burning old photographs from the military he had. Either that, or the "monitors" have to give up their old lives and take on fake lives for some reason and so they tend to keep pictures of their old lives.

Loved the credits. Was hoping for a final Whitfield tribute and it was awesome.

The Office is flailing because it is full of horrible jokes.

Frank was the behind the scenes sponsor of the Watershed Bill. He convinced other House members to get on board and personally sold it to the President as a way to give Russo some credit while running for Governor. Losing the bill makes Frank look horrible, so he would never intentionally take it or want it to fail.

Remember the guy who was named to be the next Secretary of State instead of Frank Underwood way back in the beginning of the show? Frank had Russo go up to New Hampshire and convince the crazy left wing professor living in the trailer park to say that his Pro-Palestine article he wrote as an op-ed in college was

I would quibble with the characterization of Russo's statement about the inevitable closing of the shipyard as an outright lie. Yes, he is diverting the issue away from the fact that he could've kept it open a few more years by making a plea at the BRAC commission hearing. But it is true that the base was on the

In the last episode, Heracleo was slashed across the face and knocked off his ship into the water in one of those classic "he's not dead till you see the body"-moves. Someone disappearing into a body of water is the universal symbol for "this guy will come back later in a dramatic twist."

My guess is that the large ratings for the first episode were due to the marketing and the fact that most people probably only knew it was a spy drama called "The Americans" without much more info about it. However, the actual premise is a bit more nuanced than most cable dramas, so I am not surprised a large portion

Definitely scraping off genital warts.