
They're emphasizing his athletic side enough. I buy it.

This is a theory (theoretically)
What if- Bennett found himself in a pickle with Rosie, freaked out, called Richmond, who is EXPERIENCED at killing (his wife!), then they dispose of her together in such an obvious way to make it more deniable. Then they played basketball to feel better about things. Psychopathy

Alanis Morrisette would call it

I apparently am cursed, as I worshiped Freaks and Geeks when it was actually on air, then it got canceled, even though I cried teenage tears of sadness. Now Terriers. I should never watch new shows because if I like them they will be gone. FOREVER.

A big glass of vintage Terrieroir. So satisfying.

Hank and Gretchen
Great, great write up. I especially loved the moment between Gretchen and Hank in jail when, after a full run down of his all too obvious flaws, she told him she believed him and to go kick ass. Hank's face was amazing.

A Very Special First Terrier
It's my first time posting here, after lurking years and years, and I just needed to share these FEELINGS, that after Scott Tobias' tweets about this show, and Noel Murray's reviews, and then I started watching it, and then I started loving it, and now they might cancel it, I'm so