
I don't know about you guys, but I have a feeling (based on the leaked episode titles, what Harmon and the cast have said and the trailer they released) that the latter half of this season just might turn out to be the best run the show has ever had. It gives me great hope for the future.

I agree, if the fight lasts for hours Wolverine definitely has the advantage. I just meant that Batman would need more time to discover Wolverine's healing, metal skeleton and fighting ability and formulate a plan. If the fight lasts more than a couple minutes but less than an hour I say Batman has the advantage, but

Wolverine vs. Batman? I say Batman. Wolverine wins if he can keep Batman within stabbing distance, but I have to think Batman would figure out pretty quick that he would lose unless he fights from a distance and figures out a way to trap or otherwise incapacitate Wolverine. Basically the longer the fight lasts, the

I don't know who either of them are.

Batman developed a special suit that greatly amplified his strength and was still getting destroyed until he had Green Arrow shoot Superman with a kryptonite arrow, enabling Batman to beat Superman up and down the block.

Perhaps it would be helpful to post links to the respective bios of the characters from wikipedia:

I agree, teenage Spiderman, Ultimate or otherwise, would lose badly. However I maintain that current Spiderman would beat the crap out of any incarnation of Batman that wasn't some overpowered mess that wins every fight because "he's Batman."
Golden Age would try to shoot him and miss. Seriously, Spiderman dodges

What was the conclusion of your argument?

All right, how about Batman vs. Spiderman? Neither has time to prepare, who would win in a no-holds barred battle (preferably ending when one or both combatants becomes incapacitated). I say Spiderman. He's just too fast, tough and strong for Bats to handle in a one-off encounter. Batman may be the better fighter but

Just how physically strong is Goku once he goes Super Saiyan? The series never really addresses that in terms of practical application. As far as I know, Superman's physical strength is nearly unlimited, and his speed is second only to the Flash.

I mean the version that has super strength, speed, invulnerability, flight, laser vision, x-ray vision, ice breath, etc. and gets more powerful when he gets exposed to the sun.

So I don't know if any of you are comic book/manga/anime fans, but here goes:
Goku vs. Superman: who wins?

I completely agree. Most of the first 3 seasons was just vague nuance and opaque symbolism while not much really happened. It was exceptionally well done, but still rather "meh." As far as I'm concerned the show didn't really get good until the end of the 3rd season. The 4th season continues being awesome mostly

Please stop.

"Showing 31001-31148 of 31129 Reasonable Discussions"

I completely agree. I think Community hits higher heights than Arrested Development ever did, has greater character development and is the overall more rounded show. Arrested Development was able to be so  consistently funny because it started out with funny characters and then barely changed them, allowing the

The newest Abed's Master Key episode is actually quite funny. The first two were meh but this one is funny and heartwarming.

The only Spike Lee movies I've seen are Do the Right Thing and Malcolm X. Do the Right Thing was incredible and Malcolm X was mostly awesome. I loved everything in Malcolm X but the beginning (seriously, what was with that awkward dance sequence?). EDIT: I forgot I also thought the thing at the end with everyone

Have you seen Donald Glover's stuff from Derrickcomedy? He does actually have some very nice range. Not to mention all the characters he plays on the Community set in between takes. He has a distinct style, but he's fairly versatile in terms of characters he can play. Plus let's be honest, Abed is a better and

I greatly enjoyed the atmosphere and tone of the movie, especially its portrayal of comedians and stand up comedy in general. I understand why you say it was too long, and you're completely right, but I just enjoyed the experience of watching the movie so much that it didn't feel too long to me. I do think the 3rd act