Jay S.

Carey got the job because CBS wanted a big name. That's it.

Clock Game is an easy win, but the prizes there tend to be not so great.

Although even with the worst luck, a Let 'Em Roll player will get $500, and if you know the price of the car on Dice Game, you can't lose.

That's why I'm amazed there are so many contestants who clearly don't watch the show, since it takes a supreme effort to actually attend the show.

Right, it may not be exactly that, and sometimes there are multiple winning combinations.

How that ever came close to making it out of the writers room is baffling.

For some reason, "We closed" instead of "We're closed" makes it a million times funnier.

Radio Shack was the subject of what might be the most confusingly-worded Jeopardy! clue of all time:

That's Pay the Rent.

The difference is that that mispronunciation of perforations changed the spelling, while the spelling of Braun could support a pronunciation of Brown, in which case they will accept it.

There was a contestant who drew a $5,000 card on the punchboard and decided to go for the $10,000, yelling at the auidence, "If you're scared, get a dog!" He then won the 10 grand.

One of the lowest win-rates is for Stack the Deck, which should really only be played for luxury cars since it's so hard to beat.

When she show started it was on at 3:00 in the afternoon, so I could watch it after school. Then they screwed me and moved it to the morning, which they also did a few years later with Match Game.

Strangely, Drew's only pervy with the male model. He makes all kinds of comments about his hot body that he never does with the female models.

Yet at times they seem to go out of their way to choose contestants who clearly don't know how the games work. For example, how is it that after all these years, almost no one knows for Cover Up to intentionally miss on the second number on the first go-round?

True, but not pricing strategy for the Plinko board part.

Yeah, Time is Money is a good one. Usually three out of the five items are obvious, and it's just a matter of switching around the other two, which can be done quickly.

Oh, I've already been there, believe me.

Since he's a fan, he would know that all you have to do for Cliffhangers is go 20-30-40. He'd win that game 100% of the time.

They also look at the audience to decide what hole to punch on the punchboard. It's pathetic.