You realize this is on purpose, right? I don't understand how people can dismiss the show's entire content and focus solely on the animation. On Adult Swim, of all places!
You realize this is on purpose, right? I don't understand how people can dismiss the show's entire content and focus solely on the animation. On Adult Swim, of all places!
Weird is bad?
So we're correct, you redcoat fucker.
But lexicon, that means they can't respond anonymously in their angry tirade as fifty different posters, thus winning the argument in a verbal avalanche.
Anyone over the age of 23 knows that the last group of people they would choose to hang around with for any length of time are high school kids. Why would an immortal vampire desire an emotionally, sexually and physically immature schoolgirl and the company of her annoying peers? Dude would totally be banging MILFs…
Anon E. Muss, do you realize you not only admitted to reading these books without nearly enough shame, but…holy shit…re-reading them?
There are so many pre-teen/teen works of fantasy in which there is sexual titillation, yet no fulfillment. I know this works for some, but as a sex-deprived young teenager I always felt like these gave me the same sensation as that of finding the cable porn film late at night that somehow, for incomprehensible…
Murray, Jesus wouldn't want you to wait. The Christ demands pre-Christmas Romulans.
Jorge, I think there is a solution to the problem, but considering the history of the human race, we are going to have to be at the brink of collapse before we as a whole force ourselves to change. I can see a change in my habits, and some of my friends, but I am talking about a small portion of upper class East Coast…
It's actually pretty amazing if you go to Costa Rica or somesuch place and great fresh fruit in season. You quickly realize you have never really tasted a banana, or mango, or pineapple. Holy shit, people, that stuff tastes so much better when it hasn't been on a truck for weeks.
Crosby, Stills, Nash and fucking Young?
Has no one mentioned Blind Faith? Should I be posting in the geriatric supergroup thread?
I've only heard one song, and while I wasn't blown away, I've heard far worse.
As a meat eater, I am disturbed by the methods of meat-harvesting in this country, and attempt to limit my consumption. However, considering the population growth of this country, and the world in general, I am doubtful we can revert back to more "humane" forms of farming and still provide for all those hungry mouths.…
As a certifiable Star Trek nerd, I will pick this up immediately…and then lament six months from now when they release the Director's Cut with Nero at Rura Penthe.
Agreed…this was a great idea that was just executed horribly.
They can, but setting the Time Machine to pre-1980 is not recommended.
The gettin's worth the go? You marry Scarlett O'Hara? Does she declare?
Chris Rock is a great stand-up, but does anyone remember how fucking awful he and Sandler were in SNL? Those guys can't do sketch comedy. Kevin James is pretty good at stand-up, too…and King of Queens was way better than it had any right to be.
I dated "Chainsaw Annie" for about three months. Rest assured, lexicon, she never took a job from the FBI. Also, that whole chainsaw rumor started after, like, one job where she had to improvise. It's more like "Garrote Annie", to be honest.