Master Plaster Blaster Caster

I get that some don't like Xavier and T&E, but what I don't get is that you find the former Adult Swim shows funny yet somehow miss that exact fucking same sense of humor that exists in the latter. Xavier may not be as hilarious as Frisky Dingo, but the Kung Fu parody they do pull off is pretty damn amusing.

Craig, if you're not drunk, you're incredibly interesting.

Damning is just a prayer to the wrong person, hack. You need a button or something.

Agreed, Bucky. I would pay serious cash dollars to see a cartoon where everyone in Garfield, Jon included, is put to sleep. Actually, firing squad.

God, I hate you people.

Good fucking God I hope Firefly makes this list. A true list of lists. I need lists to tell me what stuff is good. List for me, please.

Did you just shit on their first album and Draw the Line? I seem to remember they were pretty decent. I would say everything has been crap since 1979, however…

No, nilus is right. What is even happening, anyway? Is he making a saving throw vs. stone fortifications?

Haven't seen Titan Quest mentioned as a decent action RPG.

The camera in NWN2 is frustrating, but not a game-killer.

I never cared for Hayden Christensen in general, but old darth in traditional jedi robes at the end of Jedi didn't make sense, either. Jesus, Obi-Wan and Anakin aged really poorly in 20-some years, didn't they?

Fuck yes on Flash Gordon. Shit doesn't even get any cheesy great than that. Love the T-shirt that just says FLASH.

Miller's Crossing is the Coen Brothers film that doesn't get nearly enough love from Coenphiles, yet just gets better and better with every viewing.

He fucking rules as Supreme Chancellor of the Republic in The Phantom Menace! Holy shit…the way he was standing there on the landing platform just all stoic, and…and the way he looked when he got that crushing vote of no confidence…just…wow…he..

He sure does baconate the hell out of that film. Tremors does hold up. Fred Ward and Kevin Bacon should be in every film. This should be law.

They didn't really have it all planned, and that's evident when you listen to his podcasts. Moore's done enough good TV to forgive him for that, but they should have kept it a bit more episodic, toned down the revelations, mysteries and twists, and just kept with what made the show work in the beginning. You don't

It's soap opera writing. Although the ride can be entertaining, the longer it goes on, the more you realize they're making it all up as they go. Writers got away with this for years on daytime TV, but now with Lost and BSG they're trying it out on the nerd market. Note to writers: We nerds pay attention to detail.

Powers are for the weak; I have no powers. I mean, unless you count the power to blow minds, with my weapons-grade philosophical insights. I'm a thoughtocauster, I'm a conundrumer, in a band called Life Puzzler.

It is much better than I expected, but it still suffers from featuring characters I don't care about, or already know the fate of. A lightsaber battle with Count Dooku or General Grievous? Yawn…I know no one participating will die until Episode III.

Yes, lexicon, but this particular police procedural thriller scares the living piss out of us, OK?