So inhabit a few reverse-time echoes, Dr. Who, and tell me who's going to win the Super Bowl…so I can lay a sweet bet.
So inhabit a few reverse-time echoes, Dr. Who, and tell me who's going to win the Super Bowl…so I can lay a sweet bet.
Burl is the anti-ZMF…which means they absolutely have to be the same person.
You find yourself in a "room of shame" quite "alot", don't you?
I don't understand the Airplane hate. Starship, yes, but Airplane? Are they even ranked up in the first or second tier? Their albums before the Hot Tuna split are listenable just for the majority of Slick and Balin songs, and I'll stand by Surrealistic Pillow as a hippie masterpiece any day. Don't hate on them just…
Couldn't they have slingshot that balloon around the sun and travelled forward in time, landing in 1903? This theory deserves consideration.
We don't like you, Stacy.
"…most religions are pretty upfront that what they believe in is a matter of faith, while Scientologists claim some psuedoscientific and quasitechnological base for their religion (just ask this Scientician!). Even the most fundamentalists sects which may be vehemetly anti-science dont claim any pretense toward being…
Thanks for posting that, Jorge. I hadn't heard that before. Pretty funny, but not quite as confrontational as I had imagined. Yeah, Gene can be sexist, a bit defensive about his intelligence and sometimes plain insufferable, but he is The Demon. You have one of Hell's overlords on your program, you better show some…
No, i and 1, I'm not trying to be overly harsh on a small town. This place dried up and died years ago, and is a bleak, rotting husk in upstate NY. The downtown of a relatively small city in the mountains near Ithaca should not be that disturbing and depressing. Everyone seems to be standing around waiting to die, and…
Isn't that Christianity, Jorge?
Binghamton, NY
The home of Rod Serling and carousels.
Teenagers might pay to see a Chest Rockwell movie…
No, all three will be clever variations of the ass-to-ass scene in "Requiem For A Dream."
Talking pretty isn't going to unown that ZMF ownage, Arsenio. Just embrace it and learn from the pain.
Was that "Queen of the Black Coast" or "The Devil in Iron"?
Chicago and Alabama kill this theory, as they would be on the ass end of that quality scale.
Yeah, I hated her and her shitty music before this interview, but holy shit…what a pretentious, insufferable cunt.
Jesus, ZMF, that was funny. He did kinda weird everyone out, didn't he? Then Jerry weighed in like a dick whilst hawking his wife's plagarized book, and George just fell off the face of the earth.
The Justice League of Ambivalence.
The soundtrack to Easy Rider. I guarantee right after Steppenwolf's "The Pusher" but immediately before "Born to Be Wild" you will toss your wristwatch out the window in a completely unpretentious symbolic gesture….because time is so totally meaningless, dude.