Two Ton Twenty One

I'll give you that.  It's an over-the-top appeal to kids which is weird because they didn't do stuff like Meelo's snot bubbles in A:TLA.  Maybe they feel since the majority of the characters are teens and older, they need some Ren & Stimpy type visuals for the young'uns.

@avclub-7cbaf9384cf3835106bf2f444c0bcf65:disqus : "It seemed very suspicious that all Korra had to do was tap the ice while
in the Avatar State and suddenly everything is awesome again. It's
like, Aang couldn't have taken the time to do that? At some point?"

On a serious note, did anyone else get a little chocked up when Katara spoke to Tenzin about spending time with your family, especially your siblings while you still can.  Got a little misty on that.  Am I the only one?

@Dikachu:disqus , I dig your opinion on most things, but in this case, @avclub-2d0cca95ad6a2061d208d765e79af478:disqus  is completely on point.

"I'll protect you my little turtle-duck."

@avclub-6e2b7ad1592a846b2b9b16b6e8a018af:disqus , I agree with you.  Rusty had the unfortunate responsibility of being Jonas Venture's son and Jonas might be the biggest swinging dick in the history of history.  Rusty had no chance.  At least he has mostly ignored and isolated his sons, which allowed them to develop

@RedScarab:disqus , I wonder if Hank and Doc share the vinegar strokes face like Ruxin and Ruxin do?

Everybody Comes to Hank's is an A+ (for me) as well.  If only for this moment:

This show has to be the king of the callbacks.  For instance, a throwaway line from Hatred in Everybody Comes to Hank's : "We gotta get going.  I don't want to have to fly at night in the X-1.  I get the lights mixed up with the lasers and then I end up blowing stuff up.  I-I-I just don't want to blow stuff up because

"I can't believe we're so similar.  How come we never got close?"
"Because I don't trust you.  And cause you're a dork."

The Ring, The Grudge, any asian horror movie really.

"They think I'm the fucking Ty-D-Bowl Man!"  Godspeed tiny captain. (begins unzipping fly).

Him punching Doc in "Now Museum, Now You Don't" is still one of my favorite moments in this show's history. "That's for breaking my step-daughter's heart!"

All I know is after this episode, whenever someone says "pour one out", I'm going to unzip my fly.

Agreed on Col. Gentleman greatness.  His "Obi Wan in the Mos Eisley Cantina" moment was incredibly badass.  Plus, more Col. Gentleman list goodness, although nothing will ever beat "Toys Col. Gentleman wishes were around when he was a lad"

Thank god that the Rose voice thing was actually plot.  I heard her speak and went "Wow, now they're just using the same voice for male and female characters now."

The Monarch told Rusty that she was "tapped for the Council of 13, so my old number 2 will be my boss."  It sounds like she did in fact say yes, why else would she have told the Monarch.

So how many graves do you think young Rusty shat on in his life?

Urbaniak does such a great job of creating pathos for that character in his voiceacting.  The slight trail off in his sentences after the Monarch tells him no one even answered his ransom calls, while a small detail, give so much humanity to that character. 

No more episodes for who knows how long make me "Sarah McLachlan dog commercial" sad.