
I was relieved when they undercut what was otherwise a pretty lame idea (the cool machine just making you black)
by having that one guy come out the same but with sunglasses. Glad it
was actually going somewhere too. I really liked the way they ended the

And pieces on the ground —

I thought the Generals were due!

He's spinning the ball on his finger! Just take it! Take it!
[the Globetrotters score]
That game was fixed! They were using a freakin' ladder, for God's sake!

agreed, I thought this was the best one so far too. The whole smug-rockstars talking about bluesmen bit was great.

well clearly, but I was wondering when it started?

The TCFC forums have been lighting up this past week. Real split in the fanbase over this.

being a relative newbie to the CBB podcast, what is the provenance of 'my wife'? is it a purposefully annoying bad joke, or an earnest Borat homage?

of the four I've seen this was probably my favorite. The man leaving his family to spend time with his friends was great, as was the Mitch Dude variety hour (he was evil all along!) I'm definitely sticking with it for the season.

I liked that he still did the angry turn-and-stare at a class of schoolchildren.

I find myself admiring The Birthday Boys more than I laugh at it, but it has it's moments. The stuff with the sound effects over the flying machines, and the extended paychecks bit (even if it was just a repeat of the old 'ham hat' sketch they did) made me laugh quite a bit.

and then the inevitable spinoff, 'Just Charles'.

I always remember him totally breaking when Scott asked 'Garry Marshall' if the reason he couldn't pronounce his alien name was because it was 'the N word'.

back-end? pfft. If Fox had any confidence in this show they'd have given it the old 10-90.

@avclub-40e90db13ab31c7efd64228034182c2e:disqus That's not a question, Professor, but we'll let the viewers decide for themselves!

It's bizarre that his endless antiquated cultural references weren't written out by committee. perhaps they were too frightened of him, seeing as by this point he was writing his episodes from a transplanted Diner booth.

Chairman Of The B-O-R-E-D

@avclub-9a1ecce2d381e29ac81279bdae9886bd:disqus My sincere thanks for your returning to a 2 month old thread to answer this. I've seen the sketch, in fact!

hmm. I have a ball - perhaps you'd like to bounce it?

she was reading it to her Beginner's French Class!