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    I didn't know that Dan Harmon said that, but I have been getting the serialized impression from these episodes. I think that yeah, the group was not very likable by the end of this episode, but hopefully that will serve as a contrast for later episodes. If we like the group all the time, that would get tiresome,

    Seriously that show is absolute crap. Every time I heard that laugh track I wanted to throw a brick at my TV. (Granted I've only watched one episode (the one where what's-his-name-that-won-the-Emmy goes on his first date) but even if the other episodes are better than that one, it's still too far below Community.)

    I just found this site today, and I have to say that while it's valid that you're critiquing the show and pointing out it's flaws, you're being a bit of a downer. I think that overall, the problems present in the episode just stem from the fact that it was rushed. That Jeff & Annie conversation at the end was too