
It's more of an issue with the Earth's curvature.

I wish I'd seen it in 3D— they shot that slow mo with super high speed 3D cameras, and I'll bet it looked glorious. But, yeah, I thought it looked ridiculous when it came out, and a friend of mine got me to watch it not too long ago, and it was about perfect. I bough the 3D version for a friend who has a huge 3D TV

Even though I know it's coming well in advance, Ventura pulling the VCR apart to get the tape kills me each time I watch it. I totally want to eject media like that someday.

I thought it was "MEM" until I clicked. That would sort of make sense, too.

Si j'avais su.

@avclub-2dd78e6d27abfc8092491a5b76d415fa:disqus You picked a couple of bad movies to see in 3D. Pacific Rim was post-production 3D, and Del Toro even said to pass on the 3D. The Hobbit was just visually screwy to start with. There is good 3D and there is bad 3D, but it's usually best to avoid the terrible

You're a man?

"That’s quite ambitious, Opie."

I assume that people who do that (and ten times? Jesus christ) enjoy the drama, stress, fighting, breakup, and "working things out." They wouldn't be good for people who don't like those things because those people would bore them. I don't think they know, explicitly, that the reason they keep going back is because


Coriolanus. Nobody does Coriolanus.

wtf is amarynth lol?

She's the greatest nose singer of this generation!

Alec Baldwin as Tony Bennett with Tony Bennett as a Tony Bennett impersonator says you're wrong.

Weird. I didn't know that at all, but now that I know it, it's embarrassingly obvious how much he looks like Brian.

I like all of the touches like that in the original Star Wars. The stormtroopers were often revealed to be real people in mistakes and in their business. There's a shot at the beginning where troopers are checking on their fallen comrades and immediately stand at attention when Vader enters. And I just love the causal

That and the rails that the signs are rolling on in the night driving scene. Those actual-mistakes-that-I-thought-were-intentional went a long way toward my believing Burton was a genius when I went back and watched that movie in Jr. high or high school. Finding out they were actual flubs that he worked to correct in

No way! Axl sings it like a horny cat yowling for sex!

It was the Third Heat™!

I loved, liked, and then dismissed Dexter all before ever seeing a single episode of Breaking Bad. Dexter was an interesting concept that was handed off to lazy, stupid, or cynical writers (I'm assuming it's the latter and they just thought fans of the show were too stupid to understand what they were looking at and