
Is there an upper limit where you start doing it wrong again?

To be fair, everyone, paper would still burn at 491 degrees.

Take that, Guernica!


I think he's always been really stupid, but, before this season, he was too nervous about his job security to assert himself and his stupidity. In previous seasons, he would have kept his paranoia and strange anger in his pocket and stewed in his office; now that he's got a little power, however, he'll bust in on a

Today he's talking to the Archduke of Crosstown Buses.


Cliffy— the confounds of the "children of divorce" studies are that it's not very easy to experimentally control for the home environment before the divorce. Recent literature suggests that it's the tension and sometimes open hostility in the home before the divorce that is more closely related to the negative

So are boybands like cicadas? They come in cycles? Like one blows up, so others ride the wave, then the upcoming generation sees them as silly and, having been around for the boyband implosion, is immune to the charms of the boyband as a construct? It seems to take 7 - 10  years for the boyband cycle to renew itself.

I assume that they don't really give too many shits about that. They are trying to capture disorientation.

Wait, can't people say, "No," as the next thing and then make you lose? I don't understand. I mean, i guess you can feel like you've won the day because you've made the other person talk, so you have all that power to hold on to. If you dismiss it by saying that you lost somewhere earlier in the conversation, then who

Either we don't get Vonnegut or all of those people don't burn to death in a hellish conflagration… I'm not saying we should thank them and their phosphorous bombs, but… well, you know.

Obscenely large TVs need that base to keep them from falling over.

I thought you meant the Royal Air Force at first and that it was weird that Germans harbored some ill will against them. I get it now… now I get it.

Yiffy sciffy. 

My TV isnt huge, but it's definitely pretty large from the distance I watch it, and, most importantly, my stereo sounds better and definitely less painful than any theater I've been to this side of an IMAX (it's not the loudness that's painful, it's the horrible, horrible distortion that comes from over driving the


The first time I saw Happy Tree Friends was in a theater. It was for a Spike and Mike festival, but it was so damn fun to see that stuff with a bunch of other (drunk) theater goers. The sheep fucking contest was also a ball.

@avclub-c5fe25896e49ddfe996db7508cf00534:disqus — I'll back up what someone else said about the first season of Parks and Rec. I barely made it through the first season (I think it took me almost a year). It was a slog; it seemed to despise its main characters, and generally just seemed mean-spirited about people who

Yeah, but how many of those millionaires tweet on Wednesday nights? NONE! That's Millionaire Party Night, and you aren't invited to participate until you have at least a million dollars and one cent in liquid assets.