
@avclub-e61aa34d4fdadea6be28371410ba224a:disqus You can "do good" in that good is the thing that you're doing. Depending on the context, I imagine that it could be understood that way. If someone did something well, but the thing they did also helped someone or was self-sacrificing, then I suppose they could be said

*Puts away homemade Superworse posters*

Look for a new flavor of Hebrew National at your local grocer soon!

That's because a whole class can get a turn on a single giraffe. When my dad went to execution school, he said that they were still using penguins as the standard— half the day was spent wrangling a fresh penguin out of the penguin pen for each student. There was no time left over at the end of the class to discuss

Agreed. After the first 10 minutes of the first episode, I stopped it to wait for a friend. If we hadn't made a time to watch it, I probably would have delayed watching the remaining 20 minutes indefinitely. I'm glad I stuck with it, but it was a rough start. I'm not sure if it's rough because of how much

I was responding to the "Two episodes" comment and was using the fact that I'm 6 episodes in to mean that I'd gone past two. I didn't mean to imply that it took 6 episodes of ground-laying for the season to get moving— just that it picks up post-2. The first episode was kind of a downer for me, and I wasn't sure I

Yes. I don't get the bashing on the editing; it's amazingly edited and the way scenes and stories are woven together and timelines are kept straight throughout multiple flashbacks within flashbacks is pretty astounding. If this were drama, I think its structure would have made a larger impact and sparked much more

I've read a lot of term papers written the night before they were due; I disagree with your assessment.

It was a little sad that they had it murdered nonetheless.

I was kind of bummed that I let myself see that in a spoiler (just that they were in it, not when), but I still about died. If only i could go back without knowing…

@avclub-5c28462f87143d362e173541944b0b74:disqus , SPOILER LITE: it stays pretty sad (I think I have one episode left). I was really hoping George Michael's story would be more positive, he kind of deserves it, but this series just beats everyone down. The fact that it's also so damn funny in spite of this shows how

And "Her?" didn't seem as much like a reference as, maybe, slang to show very thinly veiled disdain for the "her" in question. It gets used with Annabelle until we learn the code, and, from there, it's generalized. 
In my first semester in grad school, it didn't take a few of us too long to realize that we were using

@Scrawler2:disqus Indeedily-doodily. They didn't dwell on callbacks. I would love to know how a viewer who started with this season would see them, because so many just came and went without the show stopping to nudge you and say, "Eh? Eh??! 'Member???"

Stabbing is hard, too. I mean, sure, you can whip around and cut someone's skin with a knife, but actually getting a kitchen knife that far into a fucker takes some force. I'd expect her to reflexively slash, but nope! She stabbed. That was Freudian.

Well, yes! A slightly more street wise and self-aware Kenneth Parcell.

Very well observed! He is so off-putting, but now I have an actual negative thing to base my suspicions and distaste on! The old "So nice and upbeat that I hate him" feeling was too insubstantial, and it made me feel kind of guilty for disliking someone purely because he is so goddamned upbeat.

TV's Frank wrote for and did a/some small voice role/-s on Invader Zimm.

*Punches @avclub-4602fc349ffc0ad649190e937f2a5f14:disqus *

The structure is amazing. The nested flashbacks are so good that I have forgotten at times how many layers down they are. The recursive nature of the story telling that gets us back to the beginning or returns us to the same points is very, very well done. The editing had to be completely insane.

And the children had all grown up and left the fields anyhow; Empty Nesters of the Corn just didn't sound as creepy, though, so they stuck with it.