
Quel dommage.

Oh, people should also track down "Virtual Barber" which was recorded using binaural microphones. There is a whisper in that that will make you flinch.

I guess this isn't really a whisper, more of low-talking, but in Pink Floyd's "Great Gig in the Sky" when the singer echos the line spoken by the doorman (?): "I never said I was afraid of dying." That's kind of eerie, especially on the surround mix.

Also yes.

I started doing an after work job for kicks at a bike shop; there is a top 40 radio station that gets played almost every day. I don't think I take out the over-playing of a song on the song itself— I think I hate Taylor Swift's "Twent Two" song (I assume that's what it's called) on it's merits, but they seriously

Yeah, I meant a band that you would never hear unless you went to their show in a barn after seeing their flier stapled to a post. And not only small time, but also objectively terrible at their respective instruments. Part of the reason I think it would be "fun" is because someone would have had to have gone out of

40mb HD in a 286? Mr. Moneybags over here.

Beyond the event horizon, there is no "away." What I'm saying is that you make sense.

What in the fuck?? That was a little piece of movie trivia I did not know.

They imply that the character is driven, but at no point do we see evidence of a driver in the character's head or indeed anywhere in his body. Driven without a driver? This is nonsense.

By cocks, Watson!

Drink a bottle of Night Train at the basket ball game
Throw up under the bleachers…

Yeah, I'm Kangaroo Jack. Damn it. Day late and a MST3K allusion short.

It turns out "Archbishop Hung" was just his name.

"The Woo Hoo! Song" is forever associated with the trailer for that movie and is, largely, the reason I never considered going to see it. Bad trailer, bad.

I remember enjoying Needful Things, too, but haven't seen it for ages. I probably just liked Max von Sydow and Ed Harris. I watched, well, started watching, a few King adaptations on Netflix a little while back, and was surprised at how many of them look like they were made for TV. I can't imagine that they were shot

He uses some of the profits from Upstream to fund Primer.

It was my lack of interest in the main characters that led me to turn it off after the 5 minute build up to say that they should build their time machine in a climate controlled storage facility. Why did he have to keep saying "I'm not making fun of you[, bro]"? Why would a suggestion like that be fun-making? Why is

Fas7 and the Furious: Spliced Foo7age of the Las7 Six
"You'll never know the difference…." 

Oh god. SeFFen could work. "AST" and "URIOUS" would descend vertically from the "FF" and you'd have a poster. Or