
Asinus-NPC: Hey! @avclub-f62296b9393b6ab9229ebde91ed8469f:disqus ! I think I see how to solve that "puzzle" you were just given in the previous line of dialog! YOu know, the one that you just got to glance at and had started to try to solve in your head before I could spoil it? See those buttons? If you push those,

I had heard that Lucas let SW drop off the world because as part of his divorce settlement his ex got a big cut of SW's profit until 1996. I heard this well before 96, but that is when the SW crap really started churning out. Anyone know anything about this? I'd check google, but I want to have a conversation. Can't

I liked X-Wing and all, but I hated that it had a timer and everything felt kind of sluggish. But, damn, they had the system down for TIE Fighter. XvT just felt lazy.

pretty close.

NOOO! Now we'll never get a TIE Fighter update. I'll have to find my Win95 3D enhanced copy and screw around with the Win2K patch and see if I can get that fucker to work in Windows 7. At least I still have my working DOS machine— I honestly prefer the MIDI music (and iMuse) more, anyway. But still… I really wanted an

@avclub-1343022fc4003e2cf16f0368302d86e8:disqus  - facial hair is more like not showering. Some people are down with that and some aren't. And the ones who aren't really aren't.

But isn't she angry with her husband for getting a motorcycle? I mean, not red-in-the-face angry, but angry in a low-key kind of way? I might be defining anger too broadly, but there is definitely some kind of on-going violation of wishes here. He doesn't need a motorcycle as much as she needs to feel that he's safe.

" Generally, studies have found that increased numbers of cyclists (and pedestrians, for that matter) results in a lower accident rate overall. "

You don't think that someone can find risk taking to be unattractive or revealing of a personality trait they didn't sign up for? I like motorcycles and bikes, and anyone getting into a relationship with me knows that, but I'd also understand if I were in some committed, long term relationship and wanted to get into

Fixies are stupid and have no place off of a track. Get a single speed (or at least some goddamned brakes).

I think you mean abreast, not tandem. They should be riding in tandem.

She didn't say anything about bicycles.

I don't get why so many people are offended by the idea that people are not obligated to have sex when their significant other intentionally does something they find unattractive.

Isn't the person who's making a change against his/her partner's wishes the one who is really pushing to get what they want? So they should get what they want (what their wife, girlfriend, husband, whatever *doesn't* want) and get sex too? I honestly don't see the problem with answering one unwanted change with

I also don't appreciate how he allowed her to perpetuate the stereotype that scooters are slow. Scooters and mopeds are not the same thing. I'm disappointed.

Just because some people in JFK are gay doesn't make it homophobic. Maybe it's just because I'm not old, but I didn't see their being gay as having any sort of causal relationship with their "badness." I suspect that when Garrison wrote the book, it was intended to be a further indictment of the people he was writing

2-3-1 Toncact!

That word is surprisingly difficult to immediately decode without the ñ.


Hey, it's a tie fighter interceptor!

I can't believe he was only 43 or 44 in that.