
I would certainly be curious. Especially if it's a comedic explosion with an obvious jump cut to a dummy and a whole lot of flying blood and unidentified bits that was played totally straight. But especially if she was blown up by something absurd, like a pistol.

"Based on Tyler Perry's novel, Temptation by Tyler Perry by Tyler Perry."

Unfortunately, Scatman was shinning the book and was prescient of the incorrect future.

You made me choke on my lunch.

Those tapirs will take tang wherever they can get it.

Make it an 8" floppy just for the exaggerated comedic effect.

Do I dare to eat Pollos Hermanos?

It's my tuurrrn!

The score is by Michael Nyman, so I'll give it a shot and get back to you. I'd prefer a small ceremony, fyi.

It makes room for more bloat.

Spin around, ninjas!

I read that as "Baltimora" and though[t], "Isn't that guy dead?"

@avclub-454487a59417c2aff3f0bff407a28ae9:disqus — I never had rats live that long. Maybe male rats, but females are very prone to breast tumors. It's very sad. Male rats are also more boring, lazy, and incurious than females.

Bunnies are stupid. Rats are the best pocket pets, really. They are more like small cats or dogs than they are like other horrible rodent pets. If you get some that weren't raised to be feeders (i.e. not at Petsmart etc), they are very friendly and intelligent. I had some that all learned their names in a few days,

Rats are way better. Less bitey and smarter. I'd say that kids should have rats, but I don't want people leaving them in the sun to die ironic deaths.

It's like geeerrrbiiiiillss outside on a sunny day!

Kinsey's research was both groundbreaking and problematic. The biggest problem I can think of off the top of my head is that he used self-selection techniques where participants voluntarily responded to mailings and magazine inserts. Now, think about the types of people who, back then, would be likely to fill out a


While she was in Mormonology, her mom had her committed, too. I assume that it's was to 'treat' her gay.

I'd forgotten about that.