
Oh boy! Do they ever!

I remember her in that! She was a fat baby.

Vhen Herr Grizzvald says
"Dis Vacation is a race!"
Den ve PILE! PILE!
Into zee van to reach zat place!

Yeah, well…

You can't afoooord it, cuz you're on weeellllfare, and your dad's an alcohoooolic!

I get why people would have gotten rid of those windows, but damn. They were creepy.

Yes. I thought it was Hank's younger brother, but yours is better.

All the likes.

Oh, okay. She looks pretty dead. I'll have to watch that again. Coo' info.

I went and listened to Imagine Dragons— pretty disappointing all around. Sounds like the music was written by a computer and not in a cool or interesting way.

I didn't laugh at the sketch where Bruce and Mark are shoveling fuel (it's not exactly coal— it's floating in some liquid, which makes it even more surreal), but I did stare at it in wonder. Those strange Beckett-esque bits are some of my favorite on the show.

I don't remember this episode, but the image in my head was pretty horrible. I imagined a Doctor's-view shot of Bill Cosby's dilated vagina with a sandwich crowning and orange soda amniotic fluid spilling out. It's kind of making me sick.

In a very fortunate coincidence, Lynch told Michael J. Anderson how he wanted to shoot the dream sequences, and it just turned out that Anderson and his friends learned to speak to speak backwards to each other in jr high or high school as a code. I'm pretty sure that his lines, at least, aren't dubbed because he can

Write it in your notebook.

The suit burns, better look.

There are normally-accented Big Ten areas, damn it!

Who couldn't go for some trachelingus?

Those people are often some of the shittiest people, too, because they've convinced themselves of thier narratives that they're actually nice people but everyone else is wronging them by making them angry. It justifies their hostility and general shittiness. It's not their fault that 74% of what other people do pisses

Close ups seem akin to something out of an anatomy text.

"makes me feel like I need to pee." This is going to confuse the hell out of a foot fetishist who's into water sports. "So… she likes feet or…?"