Scientific Progress Goes _Boin

I vote for: The Great Brain.

My Grandma was violently raped by him, and beaten within an inch of her life. But she isn't handicapped, so it doesn't count.

Heh, right on, OtP.

According to Wikipedia, Built to Spill is an American indie rock band based in Boise, Idaho.

It's "reek". Sheesh.

Also: big fan, Mr. of the Apocalypse.

AMC's liking their period pieces right now. But one wonders how long the "don't-you-see-there-are-modern-parallels-to-this-kind-of-excess" bit will remain a good basis for launching a series.

Thanks Al. I get that sometimes.

Also a miniseries about just what makes Stephen King's "Under the Dome" so scandalously good. Would be welcome.

According to her publicist, Sofia Loren would have sex with you too, for her own inscrutable reasons. She, however, is ashamed of this fact.

I'd rather see it two times, apparently.

Before I watch this show
first I'd rather see a miniseries about the Houston Astrodome scandal.

Before I watch this show
first I'd rather see a miniseries about the Houston Astrodome scandal.

Spiro T. Agnew

Avatar II: Avat-arse


GlamCam Three— oh never mind
My girlfriend thought this was a joke. She thought classy dames like Helen Mirren wouldn't go in for that kind of shit and that E! was using computers to create CGI renderings of what movie stars would look like if you ran around them really fast.

It's true, people like theme park rides. I know this to be the case, for I am one such person. But you know what? That's ok. Theme park rides (good ones, anyway) are cool.

FNG stands for "Fuckin' New Guy". I was saying that I should be excused for the length of my post for that reason.

Let me be the first to say
…that this is my first AV Club post. I can't wait to be subjected to withering sarcasm, have fiery canceraids wished upon me, and possibly be "yelled at" in ALL CAPS.