
Filmed in summer 2010. Curtis doesn't own a restaurant at all actually. Also, airport restaurants are always owned by a single company and brands are licensed to companies like HMS Host, so she probably doesn't really "own" that either.

Re: Graphic Design
Yes, the graphic design work presented on this show is almost universally bad, but I do want to offer a little context to defend both the designers and contestants. The amount of time given to work on these designs is so short it's almost laughable. I believe there was a total of 30 minutes

There is a popular grilled cheese truck in LA actually and that was it.

ha, yeah, that one hurt. I'd love to know the banter in the editing room about including that shot.

@EBK & @InternetMeme - Yeah, and we absolutely have soups on the menu, including a tomato bisque which could double as dips. Bobby apparently really wanted a chimmichurri, though he never mentioned this until it was time to send me packing. Oh well. The whole dipping sauce thing, and especially my reluctance to do

@Smk4 - come to think of it, I do recall Bobby once saying. "People will think they can make this at home. I don't think they can, but they will think it." So, you might be right.

@Smk4 - That's a really interesting perspective actually. I don't think the investors actually meant that, but the marketing issue makes far more sense to me than the logistical one.

Todd - and, of course, if we are ever in LA, I would love to have you at Meltworks. Maybe we'll make the Fatterson the weekly special.

just realized I used "coarse" instead of "course" in a previous comment. Why didn't you guys kill me for that!?

@mammy - Hello fellow Cincinnatian! Not even sure to start with Ells. He's an odd one, isn't he. I did like him though, I think he was just uncomfortable on camera.

@Tony - Na, I don't hate Steve or any of them. I think most of them play "roles" when they are on camera. They were all nice and pleasant off camera. Bobby and Curtis even came to me privately after elimination to offer encouragement (though his line about "if it was so good, it would already be funded" pissed me off,

It was far shorter. Something like 30 minutes to build a grocery list and then a few hours in the kitchen. I think we had a few hours once we got to the Park as well. Doing 5 sauces in that window was definitely a tough task .
