social bobcat

Early on in my relationship with my then-girlfriend / now-wife,  well into some proceedings the ipod random shuffle decided to serve up  Devo's  "Whip It".

Amen, brother;   be strong.

Apologies if this was noted by someone earlier, and normally I don't think this darkly about the show's imagery, but  did it look to anyone else as though that shot of Ryan taking that bong hit at the end was framed to look like a suicide?    Smoking gun in the foreground, body falling backwards out of frame.

So in a way it's kinda like the youtube parody clips of  "Breaking Bad! Now on ABC",   but for real?

"Honestly?  It's not that compelling"

I also think his super-yelpy scared face when they used the severed-head POV camera to show him putting a towel over it ,  that was fantastic.

It wasn't until I was mowing the lawn the next day that I had the sudden realization : "Oh yeah,  in the movie James Franco dies in the exact same way he described as a possible ending to Pineapple Express 2 , when he and Rogen were doing their sequel spitballing session earlier on"

I enjoyed this movie.

On this whole Gandolfini retrospective:  has his role in True Romance been covered yet or is it on the way?

Annoying yes but justified when you see how surprisingly enraged zombies get about staplers being encased in Jello.

and surprisingly one of the more graphic headshots I think I'd seen in a film since maybe the pawn shop owner zombie's death by shotgun in the Dawn of the Dead remake.

I hope in the future we do see someone put together a high-polish documentary-style adaptation of the book.      That was the book's whole appeal,  telling the story of a zombie epidemic from outbreak to cure with multiple stories and perspectives as if it was a true historical event that needed to be examined and

"…in my line of work, I've seen all kinds of penises. Animal penises, that is!"

Great googily moogily… Saw?

Looking back now, I think she was doing some kind of WASP-y, surrepititiously buzzed on scotch  way of dealing with some buried family or marital issues that I was too rose-glassed to see with my own backdrop of happily married mild Midwestern Catholic parents.

Back in the the mid-90s when I was an industrial and metal-loving teen I bought a Pantera "Fucking Hostile" poster to put up in my room. Apparently the next day when I was out my mom happened into the room and I was told later by my younger sister that it had made mom cry, because she "hated that word".

Never watched the show, not really pro or anti Whiitney Cummings the person, but I am sorry to hear the news on behalf of the guy on the show (Chris Delia?). I've heard him on several podcasts and he always came across as a likable and funny guy

Side note - they didn't make the soundtrack,  but the reason I was aware of this film at all back in my late 90s college days was due to one of my favorite bands of that time, Failure,  apparently using this film as a major influence for its sophomore album, also entitled Fantastic Planet.

I enjoy AV Club articles.   I enjoyed Adam Carolla on Loveline and enjoy him on his podcast.   The AV Club apparently hates Adam Carolla with a passion and fire normally reserved for pedophiles and murderous dictators.   How do I reconcile this conflict?

I enjoy AV Club articles.   I enjoyed Adam Carolla on Loveline and enjoy him on his podcast.   The AV Club apparently hates Adam Carolla with a passion and fire normally reserved for pedophiles and murderous dictators.   How do I reconcile this conflict?