
Been awhile since I enjoyed some good tentacle porn.

I'm playing Hollow Knight and preparing to tackle the home stretch of Persona 5. I'm also thinking of starting Lisa and doing a run of Dragon Age: Origins. I've never played the PC version and a friend bought me the Ultimate edition. Maybe I should hold off and clear the other games on my list first. Hollow Knight is

You will be missed Asian Dudebro Reggie. Welcome new Asian Dudebro Reggie.

I've been playing through Bloodborne. I got it back in like April. It's taken so much psychological strength to get me through that game. I'm a very skittish and sensitive person by nature and to survive the audiovisual assault has been quite taxing over the months. I've had a serious start and stop problem.

This is all well and good but is Ilana Glaser going to cameo and make things super weird?

I went to the theater with my mom to see Keanu but ended up seeing Civil War. After that I've been juggling Dark Souls 3 and being a human vegetable.

There's that dude on the Nightly Show called Felonious Monk.

My eyeballs nearly rolled out of my head several times this episode. I really need this show to get its shit together.

Kinda in awkward position since my hard drive is kind of loaded.

I was really bored by the second half of Daredevil. The fights were less interesting and The Hand were much less interesting than the Punisher. I agree with a lot of Oliver's sentiment. DD really dropped the ball. They shouldn't have tried to pretend Punisher was a hero and they should have treated Elektra better.

The head joke writer confirmed it on CNN.

Actually he adlibbed that last part.

So they can get worse? Wut.

The other astral projection scenes made me laugh but that call definitely creeped me out. How much stuff is Diana going to wreck with powers like this?

He smells like space. They can sense the terror of the Cosmos in his pheromones.

This episode made me cringe pretty hard. For the wrong reasons. The I can't breath joke almost made me ill.

I have a hyphenated last name and this episode perplexed me. I should have watched it with my mom. On another note, as an only child with four siblings I kind of get where Dre's memory comes from. I wasn't raised with any of my siblings. Maybe Dre wasn't either?

No one complained when AssCreed did it. I actually like this idea. Escaped slaves sometimes became pirates. It's a thing that happened. Piracy was for all stripes.

The vegetable baby story killed me and then the Boys II Men video killed my mom. Now my family and I are dead! Thanks Fresh off The Boat!

I disagree. They could so do a Halloween episode where Jake brings in a murderous dummy and then at the end of the episode it could turn out to be Boyle telling everyone about his dream on a slow day. Andy Samberg could sell the hell out of that plot!